I got that code from here.
Everything's working except the balls! There is panels, splitpanes etc. Oh Look, no balls! I need to solve it like in an hour. Please help. I say again; please...

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class Split extends JFrame implements Runnable{
  protected GasPanel m_left;
  protected GasPanel m_right;
  public Split() {
    super("Gas Pressure [Split Pane]");
    setSize(600, 300);
    ImageIcon ball1 = new ImageIcon("ball1.gif");
    m_left = new GasPanel(30, ball1.getImage());

    ImageIcon ball2 = new ImageIcon("ball2.gif");

    m_right = new GasPanel(30, ball2.getImage());

    JSplitPane sp = new JSplitPane(

      JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, m_left, m_right);



    getContentPane().add(sp, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    WindowListener wndCloser = new WindowAdapter() {

      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {






    new Thread(m_left).start();

    new Thread(m_right).start();

    new Thread(this).start();


  public void run() {

    while (true) {

      int p1  = (int)m_left.m_px2;

      int pv1 = p1*m_left.getWidth();

      int p2 = (int)m_right.m_px1;

      int pv2 = p2*m_right.getWidth();

      System.out.println("Left: p="+p1+"\tpv="+pv1+

        "\tRight: p="+p2+"\tpv="+pv2);



      try {



      catch(InterruptedException e) {}



  public static void main(String argv[]) { new Split(); }


class GasPanel extends JPanel implements Runnable


  protected Atom[] m_atoms;

  protected Image  m_img;

  protected Rectangle m_rc;

  public double m_px1 = 0;

  public double m_px2 = 0;

  public double m_py1 = 0;

  public double m_py2 = 0;

  public GasPanel(int nAtoms, Image img) {



    m_img = img;

    m_atoms = new Atom[nAtoms];

    m_rc = new Rectangle(getPreferredSize());

    for (int k=0; k<nAtoms; k++) {

      m_atoms[k] = new Atom(this);



  public Dimension getPreferredSize() {

    return new Dimension(300, 300);


  public void run() {

    while (true) {

      for (int k=0; k<m_atoms.length; k++)



      try {



      catch(InterruptedException e) {}



  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {


    g.fillRect(m_rc.x, m_rc.y, m_rc.width, m_rc.height);

    for (int k=0; k<m_atoms.length; k++)

      g.drawImage(m_img, m_atoms[k].getX(),

        m_atoms[k].getY(), this);


  protected void processComponentEvent(ComponentEvent e) {

    if (e.getID() == ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZED) {


      for (int k=0; k<m_atoms.length; k++)




  public void clearCounters() {

    m_px1 = 0;

    m_px2 = 0;

    m_py1 = 0;

    m_py2 = 0;



class Atom


  protected double m_x;

  protected double m_y;

  protected double m_vx;

  protected double m_vy;

  protected GasPanel m_parent;

  public Atom(GasPanel parent) {

    m_parent = parent;

    m_x = parent.m_rc.x + parent.m_rc.width*Math.random();

    m_y = parent.m_rc.y + parent.m_rc.height*Math.random();

    double angle = 2*Math.PI*Math.random();

    m_vx = 10*Math.cos(angle);

    m_vy = 10*Math.sin(angle);


  public void move(Rectangle rc) {

    double x = m_x + m_vx;

    double y = m_y + m_vy;

    int x1 = rc.x;

    int x2 = rc.x + rc.width;

    int y1 = rc.y;

    int y2 = rc.y + rc.height;

    for (int bounce = 0; bounce<2; bounce++) {

      if (x < x1) {

        x += 2*(x1-x);

        m_vx = - m_vx;

        m_parent.m_px1 += 2*Math.abs(m_vx);


      if (x > x2) {

        x -= 2*(x-x2);

        m_vx = - m_vx;

        m_parent.m_px2 += 2*Math.abs(m_vx);


      if (y < y1) {

        y += 2*(y1-y);

        m_vy = - m_vy;

        m_parent.m_py1 += 2*Math.abs(m_vy);


      if (y > y2) {

        y -= 2*(y-y2);

        m_vy = - m_vy;

        m_parent.m_py2 += 2*Math.abs(m_vy);



    m_x = x;

    m_y = y;


  public void ensureInRect(Rectangle rc) {

    if (m_x < rc.x)

      m_x = rc.x;

    if (m_x > rc.x + rc.width)

      m_x = rc.x + rc.width;

    if (m_y < rc.y)

      m_y = rc.y;

    if (m_y > rc.y + rc.height)

      m_y = rc.y + rc.height;


  public int getX() { return (int)m_x; }

  public int getY() { return (int)m_y; }


Sadly, this is what happens to people who are too lazy too learn.

If the original code actually worked, and the person you stole this off copied his entire project...Judging by your lack of effort and understanding, I conclude your problem is most probably a very basic one....*HINT* You cannot see what is not there!

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