I am doing a Taskmananger code,every thing is ok but when i build the pgm One error is coming like"Fatal Error :RC1015 cannot open include file 'afxres.h'",please help me,why it occurse and what is the reason

Are you writing an MFC program? afxres.h is a resource file for MFC programs. You can't compile MFC programs with the Express version of VC++.

Do you have an Express Edition of Visual C++? If so, you are probably trying to compile an MFC program with it, and you need the full version of Visual Studio for that.

EDIT: Edged out by AD by a hair

Actually i am using Visual studio 2005,in that i was created a sub project as a Taskman,
when i rebuild it one error is coming like,BUILD: [01:0000000039:ERRORE] C:\WINCE600\OSDesigns\emulator\emulator\TASKMAN\.\minshell.rc(11) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'.

could u pls tell me whats wrong with that

Actually i am using Visual studio 2005,in that i was created a sub project as a Taskman,
when i rebuild it one error is coming like,BUILD: [01:0000000039:ERRORE] C:\WINCE600\OSDesigns\emulator\emulator\TASKMAN\.\minshell.rc(11) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'.

could u pls tell me whats wrong with that

I'm not sure. Do you have the full VS? If so, there may be a problem with your Platform SDK installation.

i think it comes when there is some error in SDK installation

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