Hi profissionals!
Happy new year : )

I have a binary tree project and I need to convert a fully parenthesized arithmetic expression to a binary tree.

I was thinking of this algorithm:

1. input a string of expression.
2. breakdown the string and creat new node for each char.

The problem is that I don't know how to build the tree and put the correct operation to be the root.

my tree class is:

public void insertNode(String value)
		if (root == null)
			root = new TreeNode(value, null);
			insert(value, root);
	public void insert(String value, TreeNode n)
//		if (value < n.getData())
	//	{
			if (!n.hasLeft())
				n.setLeft(new TreeNode(value, n));
				insert(value, n.getLeft());
	//	}
	//	else if (value > n.getData())
	//	{
			if (!n.hasRight())
				n.setRight(new TreeNode(value, n));
				insert(value, n.getRight());
	//	}

How can I convert it to a binary tree?

Thank you for helping..

I got this code and worked on it, but it outputs only the last part of the whole equation, why?

class TreeNode
 	public String Tdata;
 	public TreeNode left;
 	public TreeNode right;
 		this.Tdata = null;
 		this.right = null;
 		this.left = null;
 	public TreeNode (String inputData)
 		Tdata = inputData;
 		this.right = null;
 		this.left = null;
	public String toString()
		return "" + Tdata;   

class ExpTree
 	private TreeNode root;

	public ExpTree()     //default constructor
		root = null;

	public ExpTree(String theString)
		Stack<TreeNode> operatorStack = new Stack<TreeNode>();
		Stack<TreeNode> operandStack = new Stack<TreeNode>();
		StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(theString, " ()+-/*%",true); 
			String str = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
			if(str.length() == 0)
				int ignoreWhiteSpace = 0;
			else if(str.equals("+"))
				operatorStack.push(new TreeNode(str));
			else if(str.equals("-"))
				operatorStack.push(new TreeNode(str));
			else if(str.equals("/"))
				operatorStack.push(new TreeNode(str));
			else if(str.equals("*"))
				operatorStack.push(new TreeNode(str));
			else if(str.equals("%"))
				operatorStack.push(new TreeNode(str));
			else if(str.equals(")"))
				TreeNode operand1Removed = operandStack.pop();
				TreeNode operand2Removed = operandStack.pop();
				TreeNode operator1Removed = operatorStack.pop();
				operator1Removed.left = operand2Removed;
				operator1Removed.right = operand1Removed;
			else if(str.equals("("))
				int emptyStatement = 0;
				operandStack.push(new TreeNode(str));
		TreeNode fullExpTree =  operandStack.pop();
		root = fullExpTree;

	public String asPostfix()	
		if (root == null)
			return "No Exp<b></b>ression";   
			return postOrder(root);

	private String postOrder(TreeNode subTree)
		if (subTree == null) 
			return "";
			return postOrder(subTree.left) + " " + postOrder(subTree.right) + " " + subTree;
	public void printTree()
		if (root == null)
			System.out.println("Sorry! The tree is empty");
			printTree(root, 0);	

	private void printTree(TreeNode subTree, int indents)
		if (subTree.right != null)
			printTree(subTree.right, indents+1);
		for (int i=0; i<indents; i++)
		if (subTree.left != null)
			printTree(subTree.left, indents+1);
	public String toString()
		return "";
public class BinaryExpTree {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner key = new Scanner (System.in);
    		System.out.println("Enter a fully parenthesized arithmetic expression:");
    		String eq = key.next();
    		ExpTree t = new ExpTree(eq);

Thank you : )

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