I'm currently working on a small bank account register program for myself (just to help me get aclamated to vissual studios) and I was doing ok until I put in the add new database and add new account pages. I wrote code that takes the blank database copies it and renames it to what the user specifies. The extention is also changed from *.mdb to *.kcm. But when I have the database changed in the script the program does not change the database. The other 2 problems I'm having are probably an over site on my part from being so new at this. But when I try and change the table that I'm looking at the code seems to be right but it does not change. and the last problem is I have a form open that has for a better term the entire table of acounts put into a list box so that you can choose the account that you want to look at. But when a new account is added I can't get the list to update but when you close the database and reopen it the new account shows. Can anyone give me any tips on this and how I can make it work? I am not using ado yet I'm using the data function.
This is the code for the new database:
Private Sub Form_Activate()
'Opens the open common dialog and saves the filename and location to Databaselocation
On Error GoTo 1
cdg_New.CancelError = True
'cdg_Open.InitDir = mstrLastDir
cdg_New.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly
cdg_New.FileName = ""
cdg_New.Filter = "Database Files(*.kcm)|*.kcm|All Files(*.*)|*.*"
Databaselocation = cdg_New.FileName
FileCopy database2, Databaselocation
End Sub
This is the code for the list box form:
Private Sub Form_Activate()
On Error GoTo 911
data_Acts.DatabaseName = Databaselocation 'sets the database to the database the user selected
'Sets the items in the list box to that of the table in the database
Do Until txt_BankName.Text = ""
lst_Acts.AddItem (txt_BankName.Text & " " & txt_ActType.Text & " " & txt_ActNum.Text & " " & txt_Bal.Text)
Resume Next
End Sub
Private Sub Form_GotFocus()
On Error GoTo 911
data_Acts.DatabaseName = Databaselocation
Do Until txt_BankName.Text = ""
lst_Acts.AddItem (txt_BankName.Text & " " & txt_ActType.Text & " " & txt_ActNum.Text & " " & txt_Bal.Text)
Resume Next
End Sub
and this is the code for the add new account:
Private Sub cmd_OK_Click()
On Error GoTo 911
' Checks if slots 1-15 are empty
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 1
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo2"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 2
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo3"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 3
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo4"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 4
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo5"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 5
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo6"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 6
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo7"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 7
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo8"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 8
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo9"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 9
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo10"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 10
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo11"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 11
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo12"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 12
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo13"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 13
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo14"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 14
GoTo 1
End If
data_Acts.RecordSource = "actinfo15"
If txt_Act.Text = "" Then
ACTRd = 15
GoTo 1
Else: GoTo 9111
End If
' After a blank record source is found the information is entered
a = ACTRd
BName(a) = txt_BankName.Text
ActT(a) = com_ActTy.Text
ACTN(a) = txt_AccountNumber.Text
STB(a) = txt_StartBal.Text
txt_BName.Text = BName(a)
txt_AcountType.Text = ActT(a)
txt_AccountNumber.Text = ACTN(a)
txt_Owner = UserName
txt_Ctable.Text = a
txt_StartingBal.Text = STB(a)
MsgBox ("New Account Added")
Exit Sub
Resume Next
MsgBox (Error03)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
data_Acts.DatabaseName = Databaselocation
data_Bankact.DatabaseName = Databaselocation
txt_BankName.Text = ""
com_ActTy.Text = ""
txt_AccountNumber.Text = ""
txt_StartBal.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
com_ActTy.AddItem "Checking"
com_ActTy.AddItem "Saving"
com_ActTy.AddItem "Cd"
com_ActTy.AddItem "EBT Debit"
com_ActTy.AddItem "EBT Food Stamps"
com_ActTy.AddItem "Credit Card"
com_ActTy.AddItem "401k"
End Sub
I can provide any other info needed to help figure out the problems I am having.
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me