Can someone tell me why this doesn't work?
Public Sub LoadFile()
Dim file As StreamReader
Dim temp As String
file = New StreamReader("C:\file.txt)
temp = file.ReadLine()
While Not temp Is Nothing
Dim ListaTemp() As String = temp.Split(CChar(","))
ListBindingSource.Add(New Mod(CInt(ListTemp(0)), ListTemp(1), ListTemp(2)))
temp = file.ReadLine()
End While
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Not possible to read file.")
End Try
End Sub
Being that on the Mod class, I have 3 properties (string, double, double) and a list of something.
What I get always that I load this sub (even if the file exists) is the "Not possible to read file." message and it doesn't load to the form field. Since the saving to file function works, what it does is erase the content of the file.
Any thoughts?
Thank you in advance.