Hi all

This is for anyone that saw my other post I am developing a reservation system for a restraunt as a means of gaining experience and improving my programming.

What I was windering I was hoping to implement a process where one restraunt could take the reservation for any restraunt then automatically email it to another restraunt?

I was thinking a pointer or something along those lines any idea guys?


I was thinking a pointer or something along those lines any idea guys?

A pointer to what? You clearly need to know how to send an email, and you need to be able to find the email address of any restaurant in the chain. Sending emails is straightforward (if not always easy), and getting the email address suggests a central database, perhaps with a web service linking all of the restaurants together.

Though if you're using a central database, you may as well just create a reservation record directly for the restaurant.

they are both excellent idea.

As i mentioned where would I start with a central database and I take it that this is possible in c++ i am a complete newbie to all off this.

Could you explain a web service to me?

Sorry, it seems that when you said you were "fairly skilled" in C, C++, Java, and Javascript, I mistakenly assumed you were nearing a level of competence necessary for entering the workforce.

where would I start with a central database

Start by getting a database going. Freely available options include MySQL and SQL Server Express. You can use a library such as SQLAPI++ to access the database with C++. However, I suspect you'll also need to do some studying on writing SQL queries.

I take it that this is possible in c++

Very little is not possible in C++, and those things are usually so low level as to require scratching bare metal with assembly.

Could you explain a web service to me?

Wikipedia is handy.

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