if some site uses this code

<script language="JavaScript">
var url = "http://www.aaaa.com";
var wh = 'width=250,height=250';
var time = 10;
var winopop;
window.onload = function(){
winopop = window.open(url,'news',wh);

they can open the site http://www.aaaa.com in a window for 10 sec and then auto close that window.
is there way to stop the window from closeing by adding a code inside the pages of www.aaaa.com

Wouldn't that be annoying?

And remember, Java IS NOT Javascript. Javascript IS NOT Java.

Wouldn't that be annoying?

And remember, Java IS NOT Javascript. Javascript IS NOT Java.

i need to do this because i am provideing a service to others sites
but with this code they can use my service for few sec and then leave my page
i want a way to disable the function(){winopop.close()},

Did you even listen?
This is NOT a forum about Javascript. Go ask your questions where they belong, you might get an answer there but I doubt you're going to like it.

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