Hi guys,

I'm trying to write a recursive method that checks if the first elements of an array of integers are sorted in ascending order but it didn't work for me !!

public static Boolean isSorted(int [] a, int n){}

I tried to copy elements from array a with length n into another array b then , compare every two elements starting from b[0] and b[1] such that :

if (b[0] < b[1] ) // that means those elements are in ascending order
{ return true;

but I couldn't complete it ,, could anyone please help me :(

you are super close. Do you have to check for both ascending and descending or just one.

Why do you need to write this recursively? It would be much simpler with a single loop. Also, recursive methods tend to be much slower and more memory-intensive than their iterative equivalents.

Gerbiler , I know I can feel the answer but I can't catch it :)

I checked for ascending order only ,,

could please help me writing the rest of the code ?


I know and undersand what you said , but I'm studying recursion now and I must write this method recursively

any help with writing the rest of the code will be appreciated

Here's a hint:
Start at the nth element. If that's <= the n-1th element then it's not ascending.
If its >, then you can go on to check (n-1) against (n-2) etc
until you get down to elements 2 vs 1.

JamesCherrill , I did it ok for n and n-1 but how am I supposed to do it for n-1 and n-2 without copying the array into array of length n ? the method takes an array and an integer as parameters .

I'm really stuck!

You don't need to copy a new array each time. Just change the value of n.

^ like he says. That's where the recursion comes in.

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