This is what i have as part of my code:

class Pawn : Pieces
    string name;

    public Pawn(string piece)
    { = piece;

    public override string pieceName()

Now in the method pieceName, i am not sure what effect there will be if i put just return name...
Basically, after i have already used this.variable... do i need to keep using the same variable with this or not?

Depends, here you may use it freely or not.The word refers to the Pawn object.
It is sometimes needed to avoid name conflicts with other equily named variables.
But best is to use a property here:

class Pawn : Pieces
        string name;

        public Pawn(string piece)
   = piece;

        // the Name property can be used like
        // Pawn.Name = "B2"; or
        // string piece = Pawn.Name;
        public string Name 
                return name;
                name = value;

        //public override string pieceName()
        //    return;

i wanted to know , conceptually, what is the difference if i use for the first time and name throughout the code and if i use and then throughout the code

As I said already, in your example name and refer to the same field in a Pawn object. So it does not matter here. Personaly I prefer to use the syntax, so in a large class I can tell that name is a field belonging(in the scope of) the Pawn class.

commented: Thank you +0

alright, i think i got it. There is no difference, once i use i can use name outside the constructor without the identifier "this"

You got it indeed :)
Happy programming!

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