import urllib.request

page = urllib.request.urlopen("")
text ="utf8")

where = text.find('<p id="pickupline">')
start_of_line = where + 18
end_of_line = start_of_line + 150

line = (text[start_of_line:end_of_line])

print (line)

This is a basic html import for a text based game I'm writing for fun, and I'm making a dynamic string. However, the string output is random (can vary from 25-132 characters). I'd like to know how to remove characters after the target text. The desired text output is red, and the characters I wish to remove are green:

<h1>Pickup Line</h1><p id="pickupline">Look at my lips and your lips. They want to massage each other.</p>
<p id="directlink"><a href="" target="new">Direct link to this line:</a><br /></p>

EDIT*** In retrospect, I don't think I was very clear in my post. The target text (in green) is random, while the string I want to get rid of (in red) is fixed. So the whole string could look like this:

<h1>Pickup Line</h1><p id="pickupline">Are you accepting applications for your fan club?</p>
<p id="directlink"><a href="" target="new">Direct link to this line:</a><br /></p>

or this:

<h1>Pickup Line</h1><p id="pickupline">Do you wanna come to the Marines, or would your rather have a Marine come into you?</p>
<p id="directlink"><a href="" target="new">Direct link to this line:</a><br /></p>

Try this.

import urllib.request

page = urllib.request.urlopen("")
text ="utf8")

where = text.find('<p id="pickupline">')
start_of_line = where + 19
end_of_line = start_of_line + 150
line = (text[start_of_line:end_of_line])

pick_text = line.find('</p>')
print (line[:pick_text])

Do I know you? (No.) That's a shame, I'd sure like to.

When it comes to parse website,using a good parser like BeautifulSoup or lxml can make it eaiser.
Here is an example that do what you want,this is for python 2.x

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2

url = urllib2.urlopen("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(url)
tag = soup.find("p", {"id": "pickupline"})
print tag.text

It's dark in here. Wait! It's because all of the light is shining on you.

yep snippsat.
good job ;)

This worked perfectly, thanks so much snippsat!

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