Hi All,
I have checkedlistbox on my windows form which is binded to datasource,
I do check the items in checkedlistbox based on some criteria,
When user uncheck some items I want to save the records, but in Checked Items collection still I’m getting items as checked, which are unchecked. checkedlistbox still remembers the previous checked items

do one thing take a boolean values in database ie true and false

and depend upon that just crosscheck and if value is false then add record to that databse

Thanks for your response.
This may going to be work arround for the problem.
i want to know is this bug is in checked list box? or I am doing something wrong?

Hi all,

Any one know the root cause for this and sollution?


Any one know the root cause for this and sollution?

Please show us your code so we can help you on that issue.

Hi adarapost Thanks for your reply.
anyways i got workarround for it.

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