hello guys i knw this is an old thread but the exact solution isnt given yet.i have the small problem of pipeline error after i installed tcwin45.even though this is an old version it shoudnt give any problems rite?i ve installed it 3 times and then deleted it 3 times and i get tht msg 3 times every time at my start up.cummon guys gimme a solution.i m gettin sick of it.....

I think they did provide a solution on one the threads... "Please upgrade to a newer IDE/compiler like code::blocks with the MinGW compiler. It's free!"

Sir but this is not stopping the error messages to popup during my startup.it is telling to remove the reference to it in the registry but i am not able to find the exact file to delete it.kindly help me.

Have you ever used regedit?

yes sir i have used regedit.i am not able to file the file specified by the error message in the registry.

Perhaps someone in the Windows forum would be better equipped to answer this (as it seems to be less and less of a C++ problem). If you think that's the case, hit the Flag Bad Post under your name and let a moderator know that's what you want to do.

ok sir.thank you for your help.

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