How can I write a for loop that will help me run this twice so that I won't have to re-type code for other data type Student variables?

Student S1, S2;

for (int x = 1; x < 3; x++)

    cout << "Enter First Name: " << endl;
    S1.setFname(Firstname); // I was thinking something like S[x] ????

    cout << "Enter Last Name: " << endl;
        S1.setLname(Lastname);   // I was thinking something like S[x] ????


Based on your own idea to use the []-operator (index-operator):

Student students[2];

for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
cout << "Enter First Name: " << endl;

cout << "Enter Last Name: " << endl;

Thanks! I appreciate it

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