
i am trying to implement finger print recoginition system.
if someone has any code snippet or pseudocode or any idea of Identify core point in finger print image . it's implementing it either in C or java, please help me out with it.


I'm really sick of people asking for code.

Indians especially. Asking us to do their work which they then use to convince our bosses that they're better than us...

sorry for asking code snippet directely it's my fault but u all
insulting whole indians ,i specified my doubt in attachment thanks
for dani web.
please solve my doubt;

Hi everyone,

How does your fingerprint scanner work. Does it save the scanned image to disk or in the memory. How does it work. You have to provide more information

Richard West

thanks to give a opportunity one’s again .here I clearly explained what I am done and doing and what is my doubt in a algorithm and where I stuck.

I am using a filter Bank algorithm for my finger print identification system.
I got “BMP Image format from our sensor.

I got fixed size image from sensor;
I am using fixed size image --100*100 (height*width)

I use the above equation for segmentation - from Raymond Thai

Orientation estimation is also from same author - Raymond Thai
after the estimation of Orientation -(I got angle for each pixels)

First Doubt – how can I Display the Orientation in Java.

then I use point care index for identifying core point given below

Second Doubt: here my doubt is how can I find x(k) and y(k) for the closed curve with n blocks . if any other alter nate suggestion or idea of using is any other algorithm is welcomed

thanks to give a opportunity one’s again .here I clearly explained what I am done and doing and what is my doubt in a algorithm and where I stuck.

I am using a filter Bank algorithm for my finger print identification system.
I got “BMP Image format from our sensor.

I got fixed size image from sensor;
I am using fixed size image --100*100 (height*width)

I use the above equation for segmentation - from Raymond Thai

Orientation estimation is also from same author - Raymond Thai
after the estimation of Orientation -(I got angle for each pixels)

First Doubt – how can I Display the Orientation in Java.

then I use point care index for identifying core point given below

Second Doubt: here my doubt is how can I find x(k) and y(k) for the closed curve with n blocks .

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