please help me. i need codes. How to Convert Dotted Decimal to Binary and Vice Versa in VB6. and a short explanation for the code.. please...

You need to red this.

Public Function Dec2Bin(DecVal)
Dim bits, Dec As String
    Dec = DecVal 'The decimal value
    If Dec >= 128 Then bits = "1": Dec = Dec - 128 Else bits = "0"
    If Dec >= 64 Then bits = bits & "1": Dec = Dec - 64 Else bits = bits & "0"
    If Dec >= 32 Then bits = bits & "1": Dec = Dec - 32 Else bits = bits & "0"
    If Dec >= 16 Then bits = bits & "1": Dec = Dec - 16 Else bits = bits & "0"
    If Dec >= 8 Then bits = bits & "1": Dec = Dec - 8 Else bits = bits & "0"
    If Dec >= 4 Then bits = bits & "1": Dec = Dec - 4 Else bits = bits & "0"
    If Dec >= 2 Then bits = bits & "1": Dec = Dec - 2 Else bits = bits & "0"
    If Dec >= 1 Then bits = bits & "1": Dec = Dec - 1 Else bits = bits & "0"
    If Dec > 0 Then
        Dec2Bin = "11111111"
        Dec2Bin = bits
    End If
End Function

To extract a bit -

Public Function ExtractBit(Dec, mybit)
Dim bit(8), DecVal As Integer
    DecVal = Dec
    If DecVal >= 128 Then bit(7) = 1: DecVal = DecVal - 128 Else bit(7) = 0
    If DecVal >= 64 Then bit(6) = 1: DecVal = DecVal - 64 Else bit(6) = 0
    If DecVal >= 32 Then bit(5) = 1: DecVal = DecVal - 32 Else bit(5) = 0
    If DecVal >= 16 Then bit(4) = 1: DecVal = DecVal - 16 Else bit(5) = 0
    If DecVal >= 8 Then bit(3) = 1: DecVal = DecVal - 8 Else bit(5) = 0
    If DecVal >= 4 Then bit(2) = 1: DecVal = DecVal - 4 Else bit(5) = 0
    If DecVal >= 2 Then bit(1) = 1: DecVal = DecVal - 2 Else bit(5) = 0
    If DecVal >= 1 Then bit(0) = 1: DecVal = DecVal - 1 Else bit(5) = 0
    If DecVal > 0 Then
        ExtractBit = -1
        ExtractBit = bit(mybit)
    End If
End Function

I have also attached a sample from the net with code for bin - dec and dec - bin.

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