ok so what does this do..
1.) read the text file(most likely a c++ code in text form) line by line and display it line by line...
2.) (as the title says) check for syntax errors. ( only minor ones like missing ";" or a lack of closing braces)


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

void main()
  ifstream readFile("check.txt");

    cout << "Please check the file's existance"<<endl;

  char read[999];

    readFile.getline(read, 999);
    if(readFile) cout << read << endl;



sadly.. I don't know how to verify if the file read was a semi-colon or a curly brace
so I don't know how to start at the error detecting stuff...

can you please help me :( any attention would be greatly appreciated
thanks in advance :)

Now you have to check the characters of each line...checking for things like if, while, do and then check the last printable character to see if it is ';'.

Is there a reason you're choosing to use a c-style char array instead of std::string ? If not, I would use std::string . You can then do this:

std::string lineFromFile;
while(infile.fail() == false){
    getline(infile, lineFromFile);

    /* Check things to do with the line */

    std::cout << lineFromFile << std::endl;

You don't have to worry about the memory management, and it makes it easier to, for example, check the last character of the line to see if it's a ';' using something like

if(*(lineFromFile.rbegin()) == ';'){
    /* Do things here */

Also, you shouldn't use void main() , use int main() instead :)

uhmm can I check per character entered using string?... cause I need to also check errors like
cin>>> or if(x==1 ?

uhmm can I check per character entered using string?... cause I need to also check errors like
cin>>> or if(x==1 ?

Yup. You can access the characters in a string in at least three ways:

/* make a new string and assign a value to it */
std::string str1 = "This is a string";

/* Make a string and initialise it via its constructor */
std::str2("This is another string");

/* Access the string via the "at" operator, this checks that you're not */
/* trying to access an element that doesn't exist, like -2, or 10000    */
char ch1 = str1.at(3);

/* Access an element like you would for a C-style char array */
char ch2 = str1[3];

/* Use an iterator (as you would a pointer in a C-sytle array) to get characters in sequence */
std::string::iterator it = str2.begin();
while(it != str2.end()){
    std::cout << *it << std::endl;

You can also "tokenise" a std::string by using a std::stringstream (this might also work with a C-style array, but I'm not sure):

/* Make a string */
std::string str("String streams are fun!");

/* Make a string stream and initialise it with the string */
std::stringstream str_stream(str);

/* Now split the string into words using the string stream */
while(str.good() == true){
    std::string word;
    str_stream >> word;
    std::cout << word << std::endl;

Hope that helps. You can read more about the functions that you can perform with std::strng here.

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