Hello All
Thanks for such a informative web site.
I'm a newbie to python and using python 2.6 for few weeks with no problem.
I love notepad++ and trying to hook it up with python2.6 as explain in here but I can't.
In notepadd++ at Run menu I get to Run dialog box and enter following:
C:\Python26\python.exe "$(C:\Python26\EXERCISES\logistic.py)"
but after select a shortcut key such as: (CTRL + R) or F8). After restarting notepad++, when I click designated shortcut key, a black screen just open and disappear\close in less then a second.
After that no matter how many times I click on shortcut key it won't work at all.
I can use python.exe itself to launch whatever scrip I want in command prompt like:
0 0.84
1 0.5376
2 0.99434496
3 0.0224922420904
4 0.0879453645446
5 0.320843909599
6 0.871612381089
7 0.447616952887
8 0.989024065501
9 0.0434218534453
Could you Please help me to get notepad++ up and running cuz i really love using notepad++ as a editor.