I am working on a project that involves 5 servomotors that need to move in a coordinated way. The servos are controlled via an Arduino micro-controller. I've been learning C through this project, so my coding might be a little off-convention.
What I have is 5 buttons (0 to 4). I want to associate a distinct series of positions to each button. So for every button, the servos will all move at the same time to a distinct set of positions at a definite speed.
Here are the 5 sets of postions
int positions[5][5] =
{3, 45, 90, 135, 177}, //positions for button 0 (servo 0 goes to 3 degrees, servo 1 to 45 degrees etc.)
{177, 3, 45, 90, 135}, //positions for button 1 etc
{135, 177, 3, 45, 90},
{90, 135, 177, 3, 45},
{45, 90, 135, 177, 3},
So, what I want is this:
when I push button 0;
servo 0 goes to position: array 0, position 0 (0,0)
servo 1 goes to position: array 0, position 1 (0,1)
servo 2 goes to position: array 0, position 2 (0,2)
servo 3 goes to position: array 0, position 3 (0,3)
servo 4 goes to position: array 0, position 4 (0,4)
when I push button 1;
servo 1 goes to position: array 1, position 0 (1,0)
servo 2 goes to position: array 1, position 0 (1,1)
servo 3 goes to position: array 1, position 0 (1,2)
servo 4 goes to position: array 1, position 0 (1,3)
servo 5 goes to position: array 1, position 0 (1,4)
and so on.
And what I get is this:
when I push button 0;
servo 0 goes to position: array 0, position 0 (0,0)
servo 1 goes to position: array 0, position 0 (0,0)
servo 2 goes to position: array 0, position 0 (0,0)
servo 3 goes to position: array 0, position 0 (0,0)
servo 4 goes to position: array 0, position 0 (0,0)
when I push button 1;
servo 1 goes to position: array 0, position 1 (0,1)
servo 2 goes to position: array 0, position 1 (0,1)
servo 3 goes to position: array 0, position 1 (0,1)
servo 4 goes to position: array 0, position 1 (0,1)
servo 5 goes to position: array 0, position 1 (0,1)
and so on.
This situation is something I can live with, (my project can work like that). But I want to understand how to do this since I plan to use this kind of pattern quite often, and the project would be so much nicer with the extra precision.
So, I see my code only accesses the first array. I've tried so many things to solve this that I'm getting confused now... In fact, I worked my way to this code through many many mistakes, and this code is also a mistake, because, as you will see, I have a variable i that would need to be incremented from 0 to 4, and it isn't. I know this is where my problem lies but every way I try to fix it, I get worse results than what this code does. Either the servos move one after the other or they jerk around like epileptic squirrels.
If anyone could guide me trough solving this puzzle, I would greatly appreciate,
oh yeah, here's the code
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo[5];
int buttonPin[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; //pin numbers on the board for the buttons
int buttonState[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int lastButtonState[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
int servospeeds[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}; //in milliseconds
int pos[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //stores the next positions the servos are heading to
int lastPos[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int positions[5][5] = //the ultimate servo destinations
{3, 45, 90, 135, 177},
{177, 3, 45, 90, 135},
{135, 177, 3, 45, 90},
{90, 135, 177, 3, 45},
{45, 90, 135, 177, 3},
int f, g, h, i, j, k, p;
void setup()
int x = 11;
for (f=0; f<5; f++)
myservo[f].attach(x); x--; //pin numbers on the board for the servos
for(g = 0; g < 5; g++)
pinMode (buttonPin[g], INPUT); //sets the button pins as inputs
void moveServo(int pp)
buttonState[pp] = digitalRead(buttonPin[pp]);
if ((buttonState[pp] != lastButtonState[pp])&&(buttonState[pp] == 0)) /*if button has changed state and is now depressed*/
for(pos[i] = lastPos[i]; pos[i] <= positions[pp][i]; pos[i] ++)
for(j = 0; j < 5; j++)
myservo[j].write(pos[i]); /*[B]i[B] starts where it was left before and is incremented in steps of 1 degree to control the speed*/
lastPos[i] = pos[i];
for(pos[i] = lastPos[i]; pos[i] >= positions[pp][i]; pos[i] --)
for(j = 0; j < 5; j++)
lastPos[i] = pos[i];
lastButtonState[pp] = buttonState[pp];
void loop()
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)