Member Avatar for Uday2009

I am developing an inventory application.
There is a form named frmInventory where material receipt has been done.


The logic is that First you Enter the Transaction no. in text box named TxtChalanNo
Then a combobox named cmbval on flexgrid named mf1 will got focus then the user select item list from combobox then press enter then he fill qty and amount of the item as per qty the sum of item displayed in next column ie. 5 * 4 = 20. 5 is qty, 4 is amount, and 20 is sum of item displayed in next column. Then when the enter key pressed in amount column sum of item displayed in next column and the new sr. no. of column is generated and then the new row will be added then the user will got focus on a combobox named cmbval on flexgrid named mf1 will got focus then the user select item list from combobox and so on.

The Problem

I came successfully at the first step means the user will fill data successfully in the first row but when the new column is added then the fixed column where i am trying to generate sr no. the user will got the focus i want that the user will got the focus to the combobox named cmbval.

The code is as follows

Public cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim statement As String
Private Sub cmbVal_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then
    '>>> find prod rate
    Mf1.Text = cmbVal.Text
    '>>> show total
    If Mf1.Col <> Mf1.Cols - 1 Then

        Mf1.Col = Mf1.Col + 1
        If Mf1.Row <> Mf1.Rows - 1 Then
            Mf1.Row = Mf1.Row + 1
            '>>> add new rows
            Mf1.Rows = Mf1.Rows + 1

            '>>> set the current row
            Mf1.Row = Mf1.Row + 1

            '>>> set sr no
            Mf1.TextMatrix(Mf1.Row, 0) = Val(Mf1.TextMatrix(Mf1.Row - 1, 0)) + 1
        End If
        Mf1.Col = 1
    End If

    cmbVal.SelStart = 0
    cmbVal.SelLength = Len(cmbVal.Text)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Call OpenCon
cmbVal.Visible = True
cmbVal.Text = ""
Mf1.Cols = 5
Mf1.Rows = 2
Call set_heading
Call move_textbox
End Sub

Public Sub OpenCon()
    '>>> open connction
    If cn.State = 1 Then cn.Close
    cn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source= E:\VB\My Project\eBilling Source Code\data.mdb"
    cn.CursorLocation = adUseClient

End Sub
Private Sub Mf1_EnterCell()
If Mf1.Col = 1 Then
        '>>> visble combo box for select product
        cmbVal.Visible = True

        If cmbVal.Visible = True Then
            If cmbVal.Enabled = True Then
            End If
        End If
        Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset
        If Rs.State = 1 Then Rs.Close
        If Mf1.Col = 1 Then
            Rs.Open "select prod_sub_type from product_master order by prod_sub_type", cn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
            While Not Rs.EOF
                cmbVal.AddItem Rs(0)
        ElseIf Mf1.Col = 3 Then
            cmbVal.AddItem ""
        End If
        '>>> visble text box for entring quantity
        cmbVal.Visible = False

    End If
    Call move_textbox
End Sub

Private Sub Mf1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

Dim i As Long
If KeyAscii = 13 Then 'if Enter Key then...
 If Mf1.Cols <> (Mf1.Col + 2) Then 'If current column is not last column...
  Mf1.Col = Mf1.Col + 1 'increment col by 1
 Else 'If current column is the last column then...
  Mf1.Rows = Mf1.Rows + 1 'add a row to the FlexGrid...
  Mf1.Col = 0 'set the current column to first column - (0)...
  Mf1.Row = Mf1.Row + 1 'set the current row to last row...
  Mf1.SetFocus 'set the focus.
 End If
 Exit Sub
End If
If KeyAscii = 8 Then 'If BackSpace Key then...
 If Len(Trim(Mf1.Text)) <> 0 Then 'If current cell is not empty then...
  Mf1.Text = Left(Mf1.Text, (Len(Mf1.Text) - 1)) 'Removing a character from the right side of the FlexGrid cell's text
 ElseIf Mf1.Rows > 2 Then 'If FlexGrid has more than 2 Rows including the FixedRow then...
  For i = 0 To Mf1.Cols - 1 'Checking that the current row is empty or not...
   If Len(Trim(Mf1.TextMatrix(Mf1.Row, i))) = 0 Then 'Checking for Empty cell in the current row...
    If Mf1.Col <> Mf1.Cols - 1 Then 'Checking that if we reached the last column...
     Mf1.Col = Mf1.Col + 1 'goto next column...
    Else 'If current columnn is the last column then...
     Mf1.Rows = Mf1.Rows - 1 'Remove a Row.
     Exit Sub
    End If
   End If
 End If
Else 'If Not BackSpace key then...
 Mf1.Text = Mf1.Text + Chr(KeyAscii) 'Append the pressed character to the right.
End If
Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub TxtChalanNo_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub move_textbox()
cmbVal.Left = Mf1.CellLeft + Mf1.Left
    cmbVal.Top = Mf1.CellTop + Mf1.Top
    cmbVal.Width = Mf1.CellWidth
    cmbVal.Text = Mf1.Text
End Sub
Public Sub set_heading()
'>>> creating for the grid

Dim K As Integer
Dim t As Integer
    Mf1.Rows = 3
    Mf1.Cols = 5
    Mf1.Row = 0
    Mf1.RowHeight(0) = 600
    Mf1.Col = 0
    Mf1.ColWidth(0) = 1000
    Mf1.CellForeColor = vbBlue
    Mf1.CellFontBold = True
    Mf1.CellAlignment = 4
    Mf1.Text = "Sr."
    Mf1.Col = 1
    Mf1.ColWidth(1) = 4200
    Mf1.CellForeColor = vbBlue
    Mf1.CellFontBold = True
    Mf1.CellAlignment = 4
    Mf1.Text = "Particulars"
    Mf1.Col = 2
    Mf1.ColWidth(2) = 1200
    Mf1.CellForeColor = vbBlue
    Mf1.CellFontBold = True
    Mf1.CellAlignment = 4
    Mf1.Text = "Quantity"
    Mf1.Col = 3
    Mf1.ColWidth(3) = 1200
    Mf1.CellForeColor = vbBlue
    Mf1.CellFontBold = True
    Mf1.CellAlignment = 4
    Mf1.Text = "Rate"
    Mf1.Col = 4
    Mf1.ColWidth(4) = 1200
    Mf1.CellForeColor = vbBlue
    Mf1.CellFontBold = True
    Mf1.CellAlignment = 4
    Mf1.Text = "Amount"
    Mf1.TextMatrix(1, 0) = "1"

Mf1.Row = 0
For K = 0 To Mf1.Cols - 1
    Mf1.Col = K
    Mf1.CellFontBold = True

Mf1.Row = 1
Mf1.Col = 1

'>>> set serial from 1.2...
For K = 1 To Mf1.Rows - 1
    Mf1.TextMatrix(K, 0) = K
Mf1.Row = 1
End Sub

I have also attached the code.

Thanks i am waiting for the reply.

If I read this (wow, a lot:)) correctly, the combo box should get the focus if it is visible?

Try and set the enabled property to true first, then set the focus.

It also seems we missed your post, almost.;)

Member Avatar for Uday2009

Thanks for reply
I got focus at first time to the combo

but when i go to second row of msflexgrid then the first column got the focus

i want that the combo box should got the focus.


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