Hi friends, I am a newbie to Assembly Language programming, I don't know whats the equivalent Assembly code for NASM compiler and moreover is there any compiler available for ubuntu so that I can run my TASM code as it is?
Here is my simple code that works fine in TASM
.model small
.stack 100h
b1 db 100 ; b1=100, b1 is stored in 0 th offset of data segment
b2 db 20 ; b2=20
b3 db 40 ; b3=40
sum db ?
MOV ax,@data
MOV ds,ax
MOV ah,b1 ; ah=b1 i.e ah=100
ADD ah,b2 ; ah+=b2 i.e ah=ah+20
ADD ah,b3 ; ah+=b3
MOV sum,ah ; sum=ah