Hi to all.

I am a beginner at C++ programming. I wanted to ask for some tutorials or videos from which I can learn.. I have done some small steps in programming before and I really love it. I am very interested in this area and I would be thankful if anyone could point me.



first post each and a link to a site?
(i may be getting cynical in my old age, please excuse me.)

haha good point

While there are tons and tons of tutorials and videos on internet for C++, a book is the best thing to start programming for a beginner.
After reading and practicing a few lessons, you may then head over to internet.


Thanks for the usefull links.. I downloaded couple books and will try with some video tutorials.

I have removed the links from this thread as they were all spam. Just start here

Thanks for the link. Could you point me to another .pdf files or some good books?

Here's a good thread on books, especially the first post.

commented: Yes! undoubtedly :) +12

Yes really usefull books. Thanks.

Haha.. Typical spam like post. At least they went through the trouble to to create more than one account :D

Anywho. Thanks Nick Evan for the links to those threads. I;ve been looking for ways to get started on C++. Cheers!

commented: This reeks of link spam even if it is in the signature. -1

Haha.. Typical spam like post. At least they went through the trouble to to create more than one account :D

Anywho. Thanks Nick Evan for the links to those threads. I;ve been looking for ways to get started on C++. Cheers!

You do realize that no-one other than members will see your signature right? Google won't see it and neither will any other search-engine, so no SEO-advatage to gain here.

Speaking of link spam....

Nice signature. 10 of your 12 posts are within the last hour.

Oops, Nick beat me to it...

Just because I don't have much time to spend right now doesn't mean that I'm a spammer.

Just because I don't have much time to spend right now doesn't mean that I'm a spammer.

The spam comments were not directed at you. They were directed at crovax85, dlok, and Dxpat4real.

There is nothing wrong with your post(s).

Well I did notice something strange about their links. That's why I didn't respond directly to them.

copy simple program codes from internet. learn it . then modify . i surely said that u become a good programmer of c++ in one month

Hi to all.

I am a beginner at C++ programming. I wanted to ask for some tutorials or videos from which I can learn.. I have done some small steps in programming before and I really love it. I am very interested in this area and I would be thankful if anyone could point me.


Hey, check it out these 2, I came across while browsing

qlipboard - I have the VTC series already.
Platinum8 - I have downloaded the first link but will take a look at the second.
Thanks a lot.

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