
I'm trying to run a program I have coded that has the following setup:

There is a tree containing "player" objects.

Each "player" object has a linked list containing "weapon" objects.

Each "weapon" object has a stack containing "round" objects.

I need to set it up so that of you delete the tree object, all the players within the tree are deleted, which in turn deletes all the weapons in each player's linked list, which in turn deletes all the rounds in each weapons stack in a cascade effect.

The destructor for the tree looks like this:

	cout << "Tree Deleted" << endl << endl;
	delete this->root;

The destructor for the player class:

	cout << "Player Deleted" << endl << endl;

	delete this->weapons;

	delete this->leftChild;
	delete this->rightChild;

The destructor for the linked list class:

		delete Delete();


The destructor for the weapon class:

	cout << "Weapon Deleted" << endl << endl;
	delete this->magazine;

The destructor for the stack class:

	while(this->top != -1)
		delete this->Pop();

The destructor for the round class:

	cout << "Round Deleted" << endl << endl;

When I run the program, the cascade begins and the output shows:

Tree Deleted

Player Deleted

Weapon Deleted

Round Deleted

Round Deleted

And then BOOM, this error message pops up and the program halts:

Image added as attatchment.

Any ideas on what is going wrong???


You wrote past the end (or beginning) of your dynamic memory and corrupted any bookkeeping data required by the heap manager.

You wrote past the end (or beginning) of your dynamic memory and corrupted any bookkeeping data required by the heap manager.

Yeah... I don't know what that means. Any ideas on how I could not do that? lol

It means buffer overflow. Check your pointers and verify your indexes.

It means buffer overflow. Check your pointers and verify your indexes.

Ah ok that makes sense lol I'll have a check and post back.

It means buffer overflow. Check your pointers and verify your indexes.

I've had a check through and can't seem to find the problem.

All the pointers appear to be correct and I'm not sure how to verify indexes.

Can you offer any suggestions on action to take?

Post the code here?? Like the entire thing.. or the .cpp file or both.

Post the code here?? Like the entire thing.. or the .cpp file or both.

I have now solved the problem, when I was adding pointers to objects to the various data structures, I was actually passing them a pointer to the SAME object!

What I had done was similar to this:

Class* name = new Class;


Thinking that each time I added it to the structure I was passing it a new instance of Class.

Turns out I was wrong, and when I deleted one, I was deleting the same pointer from every location in every structure.

Rookie mistake I suppose, you live and learn!

commented: Grats for finding the problem. +25
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