What i wanted to do is to limit the number of users to be registered for my system.
One for User type and one for Administrator account, and if there is already a user and admin account, adding will be disabled, else, enabled.
Here's the code im using.
Private Sub Usercount()
Con "Database.mdb"
With RecSet
.Open "Select * From Users", DBLink, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
If lvwUser.ListItems.Count = 2 And .Fields("UserType") = "Administrator" Then
cmdAdd.Enabled = False
cmdAdd.grayScale = aiGreenMask
MsgBox "Limit of allowed users is reached. Adding of user is no longer allowed.", vbInformation, "Prompt"
cmdAdd.Enabled = True
cmdAdd.grayScale = aiNoGrayScale
End If
End With
End Sub
Any ideas? Thanks