I keep getting an error message when running my code at the end. I think it has something to do with line 26, but I'm not sure how to correct it. the error is
sh: PAUSE: command not found
My code is attached.
Thanks for help in advance.
using namespace std;
int CheckWeight(int weight, string Planet);
int main()
int weight,res;
string planetName;
cout << "Please enter your weight of your object to the nearest whole number." <<endl;
cin >> weight;}
cout << " " << endl;
cout << "Please enter a planet name from the following list." << endl;
cout << "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune" << endl;
cin >> planetName;
cout << " " << endl;
// Call function to check weight
res = CheckWeight(weight, planetName);
return 0;
}// end main()
// Function for calculating weight
int CheckWeight(int weight, string Planet)
int Result=0;
if(Planet== "Mercury"){
cout << "Your weight on Mercury is " << (weight*0.4155)<< endl;
else if(Planet== "Venus"){
cout << "Your weight on Venus is " << (weight*0.8975)<< endl;
else if(Planet== "Earth"){
cout << "Your weight on Earth is " << (weight*1.0)<< endl;
else if(Planet== "Mars"){
cout << "Your weight on Mars is " << (weight*0.3507)<< endl;
else if(Planet== "Jupiter"){
cout << "Your weight on Jupiter is " << (weight*2.5374)<< endl;
else if(Planet== "Saturn"){
cout << "Your weight on Saturn is " << (weight*1.0677)<< endl;
else if(Planet== "Uranus"){
cout << "Your weight on Uranus is " << (weight*0.8947)<< endl;
else if(Planet== "Neptune"){
cout << "Your weight on Neptune is " << (weight*1.1794)<< endl;
cout << "You entered a wrong planet name. Please try again " << endl;
cout << "Please try again " << endl;
return Result;