Hey everyone. I would really appreciate some help. I'm currently building a program in Python 2.6 for an introductory Comp Sci class. The program is supposed to use functions to read a text file from a URL, parse the data into tokens, and use the data to calculate a sort of average 'course grade' for hypothetical students using the URL data.
This is all something I've done before, only I didn't use functions. Now that I'm using them, I'm running into errors and need help.
Specifically, when I try to run the program I get an error like this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Denis Walker\Documents\CSM\CSCI 101\CourseGradeFunctions.py", line 35, in <module>
for li in lines[1:] :
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable
Here is the code for what I have so far.
theURL = "http://inside.mines.edu/~khellman/teaching/csci101/qo/coursegrades.dat"
def download(theURL):
import urllib2
urlConnection = urllib2.urlopen( theURL )
lines = urlConnection.readlines()
print lines
def parse(li):
theLine = lines[li]
theTokens = theLine.split()
theValues = []
theValues.append( theTokens[0] )
t = 1
while t < len(theTokens) :
theValues.append( float( theTokens[t] ) )
t = t + 1
def courseGrade():
CWID = theValues[0]
fi = theValues[1]
a = theValues[2]
b = theValues[3]
p = theValues[4]
q = theValues[5]
t = theValues[6]
c = (p*.2 + q*.1 + a*.15 + b*.2 + fi*.25 + t*.1)
print c
def printStudent( outfile, cg, scores ):
f = file( "FunctionCourseGrades.txt", "a" )
f.write("%-s %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n" % (CWID, c, fi, a, b, p, q, t))
lines = download(theURL)
for li in lines[1:] :
scores = parse(1)
cg = courseGrade(scores)
printStudent( f, cg, scores )
print "Please open FunctionCourseGrades.txt to see the listed scores including calculated course grades."