In the last chapter of my book we implemented a simplified version of the vector class

In the chapter I'm studying now we're implementing a simplified version of the string class ... which uses my version of the vector class (called Vec) to hold chars.

Str(const char* cp) {
		std::copy(cp, cp + std::strlen(cp), std::back_inserter(data));

	template<class In> Str(In b, In e){
		std::copy(b, e, std::back_inserter(data));

Given this two constructors where data is the name of a Vec<char>

The first constructor gives me a error message saying:
error C2039: 'reference' : is not a member of 'Vec<T>'
but the second one (which also uses back_inserter) doesn't give me this message.
Why is only one of them complaining? that really confused me

The second one doesn't complain because it hasn't been instantiated yet. If you call Str like so Str(cp, cp + strlen(cp)) then you would get that same error.

The second one doesn't complain because it hasn't been instantiated yet. If you call Str like so Str(cp, cp + strlen(cp)) then you would get that same error.

I see ... makes sense ... didn't think of that ... thx man!

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