using namespace std;

void printBoard();
void fillBoard();
void checkWin();
string board [9][9];
bool gameOver = false;

int main()

}//end of main
void printBoard()
    cout<<board[0][0]<<" | "<<board[0][1]<<" | "<<board[0][2]<<"   "<<board[0][3]<<" | "<<board[0][4]<<" | "<<board[0][5]<<"  "<<board[0][6]<<"| "<<board[0][7]<<" | "<<board[0][8]<<endl<<"---------   ---------   ---------\n";//1st line
    cout<<board[1][0]<<" | "<<board[1][1]<<" | "<<board[1][2]<<"   "<<board[1][3]<<" | "<<board[1][4]<<" | "<<board[1][5]<<"  "<<board[1][6]<<"| "<<board[1][7]<<" | "<<board[1][8]<<endl<<"---------   ---------   ---------\n";//2nd line
    cout<<board[2][0]<<" | "<<board[2][1]<<" | "<<board[2][2]<<"   "<<board[2][3]<<" | "<<board[2][4]<<" | "<<board[2][5]<<"    "<<board[2][6]<<"| "<<board[2][7]<<" | "<<board[2][8]<<endl<<endl<<endl;//3rd line
    cout<<board[3][0]<<" | "<<board[3][1]<<" | "<<board[3][2]<<"   "<<board[3][3]<<" | "<<board[3][4]<<" | "<<board[3][5]<<"    "<<board[3][6]<<"| "<<board[3][7]<<" | "<<board[3][8]<<endl<<"---------   ---------   ---------\n";//4th line
    cout<<board[4][0]<<" | "<<board[4][1]<<" | "<<board[4][2]<<"   "<<board[4][3]<<" | "<<board[4][4]<<" | "<<board[4][5]<<"    "<<board[4][6]<<"| "<<board[4][7]<<" | "<<board[4][8]<<endl<<"---------   ---------   ---------\n";//5th line
    cout<<board[5][0]<<" | "<<board[5][1]<<" | "<<board[5][2]<<"   "<<board[5][3]<<" | "<<board[5][4]<<" | "<<board[5][5]<<"    "<<board[5][6]<<"| "<<board[5][7]<<" | "<<board[5][8]<<endl<<endl<<endl;//6th line
    cout<<board[6][0]<<" | "<<board[6][1]<<" | "<<board[6][2]<<"   "<<board[6][3]<<" | "<<board[6][4]<<" | "<<board[6][5]<<"    "<<board[6][6]<<"| "<<board[6][7]<<" | "<<board[6][8]<<endl<<"---------   ---------   ---------\n";//7th line
    cout<<board[7][0]<<" | "<<board[7][1]<<" | "<<board[7][2]<<"   "<<board[7][3]<<" | "<<board[7][4]<<" | "<<board[7][5]<<"    "<<board[7][6]<<"| "<<board[7][7]<<" | "<<board[7][8]<<endl<<"---------   ---------   ---------\n";//8th line
    cout<<board[8][0]<<" | "<<board[8][1]<<" | "<<board[8][2]<<"   "<<board[8][3]<<" | "<<board[8][4]<<" | "<<board[8][5]<<"    "<<board[8][6]<<"| "<<board[8][7]<<" | "<<board[8][8]<<endl<<endl<<endl;//9th line
}//end of printBoard()
void fillBoard()

    for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<9; j++)
                board [i][j] =('0'-48)+(9*i + j+1);
}//end of fill Board()

we originally use char board. but char wont let us go past single digit

forcing us to use "string"
the program output this:

☺ | ☻ | ♥   ♦ | ♣ | ♠  | |
---------   ---------   ---------

 | ♫ | ☼  ►| ◄ | ↕
---------   ---------   ---------
‼ | ¶ | §   ▬ | ↨ | ↑    ↓| → | ←

∟ | ↔ | ▲   ▼ |   | !    "| # | $
---------   ---------   ---------
% | & | '   ( | ) | *    +| , | -
---------   ---------   ---------
. | / | 0   1 | 2 | 3    4| 5 | 6

7 | 8 | 9   : | ; | <    =| > | ?
---------   ---------   ---------
@ | A | B   C | D | E    F| G | H
---------   ---------   ---------
I | J | K   L | M | N    O| P | Q

Press any key to continue . . .

suppose to look at this:

1 | 2 | 3   4 | 5 | 6    7| 8 | 9
---------   ---------   ---------
10| 11| 12  13| 14| 15  16| 17| 18
---------   ---------   ---------
19| 20| 21  22| 23| 24  25| 26| 27

28| 29| 30  31| 32| 33  34| 35| 36
---------   ---------   ---------
37| 38| 39  40| 41| 42  43| 44| 45
---------   ---------   ---------
46| 47| 48  49| 50| 51  52| 53| 54

55| 56| 57  58| 59| 60  61| 62| 63
---------   ---------   ---------
64| 65| 66  67| 68| 69  70| 71| 72
---------   ---------   ---------
73| 74| 75  76| 77| 78  79| 80| 81

Press any key to continue . . .

Our teacher told us to use "stringstream"

Can someone explain to me the usage of "stringstream"?

in depth will be better

Before messing around with tictactoe, you should make some examples for yourself to make sure you understand the basics. Create a string and output it. Does it look correct?

Stringstream works just like "cin" (an input stream). Here is a demo:


I know the basic, we made a tic tac toe in class

this is a project, in order to win, you have to 3 small tic tac toe board, form a straight line.

i am stuck on the printBoard() and fillBoard() part not the gameplay part

Before messing around with a printBoard() function, you should make some examples for yourself to make sure you understand the basics. Create a string and output it. Does it look correct?

You need a function that converts integers to a string. itoa, sprintf, or stringstreams are your best bet. itoa is non-standard, so you may have to write your own. This is C++. Stringstreams will do you just fine.

This won't work...

board [i][j] =('0'-48)+(9*i + j+1);

Too many types here (char, int, string) used incorrectly together.

i know how to output a string correctly

i just need help on the fillBoard() funtion

we try int, to output 1~81

but int can't contain 'X' or 'O'

so we're back to string

Outputting isn't the problem. Converting 75 to "75" is the problem. It's harder than converting 7 to "7". You're only using a single char with that. Can't do that here.


1. Do it with a stringstream.
2. Write your own itoa-style function that does it by creating a string, isolating digits and converting to characters, and concatenating.
3. sprintf (Stringstreams C style).

You appear to be trying to do the second option, but you are not isolating digits with the / and % operator.

Stringstreams is easiest.

commented: answear my question +0
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