So, I've heard rumors that you can write web apps in C++. Is that true?

How about, is web developing with C++ practical or should i go out of my way to learn a new language?

I really can't authoritatively answer that query; I've never done any type of CGI work. All of the web-dev that I've done has been in non-CGI-mode PHP. I'm sure someone here has done it though. I will say though that it never hurts to learn another language. It makes you more valuable...

Unless you already know (X)HTML, JavaScript and/or XML, you'll have to learn at least one new language anyway.

You may also want to check out the Web-Development forum(s). I'm fairly confident there will be more members there that are familiar with the nuances of the process.

So, I've heard rumors that you can write web apps in C++. Is that true?

Certainly. It's really not much more than reading from standard input, doing something, and writing to standard output, with some environment variable I/O here and there. A bit of a pain in my opinion though, C++ isn't well suited to heavily string-based processing. That's why Perl has generally been the go-to for CGI in the past.

is web developing with C++ practical or should i go out of my way to learn a new language?

I've done enough web development in C++ to know that I don't care for it. Perl was easier. I'm not a fan of web development in general though, so perhaps my opinion isn't as good as someone who lives and breathes the stuff.

I think right now PHP rules, but there are quite a few options for server side web applications.

If for example... i wanted to create a, videogame (i don't really, that's why most nerds want to learn programming) to publish on my website, could i do that in C++?

Without getting into nitty gritty details, yes, you could. And for future reference, any "can I do this in C++?" questions are almost invariably answered with "yes". All that matters is how much effort you're willing to put into it.

Without getting into nitty gritty details, yes, you could. And for future reference, any "can I do this in C++?" questions are almost invariably answered with "yes". All that matters is how much effort you're willing to put into it.

Thanks man! This really helps. I've heard most of the C language and its derivatives and do almost anything you want, but i wasn't sure if it translated to web browsers and internet...

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