I can't work out why when i try to print the list(listProb....s) it prints the empty list, i'm not setting them to the empty list after this code or anything, and when i print the normDistProb's on their own it prints fine):
for i in range(0,12):
listProbFog.append(normDistProb(dayValues[i], fogAve[i], fogVar[i]))
listProbSnow.append(normDistPr...ob(dayValues[i], snowAve[i], snowVar[i]))
listProbRain.append(normDistProb(dayValues[i], rainAve[i], rainVar[i]))
listProbNone.append(normDistProb(dayValues[i], noneAve[i], noneVar[i]))
p.s. listProb's are indented