Hi. Im pretty new to java. First question: is javascript the same as java? I just want to make sure.

So for my program. Since im a very basic beginner with some c++ experience i was hoping the forum could help. I want the user to input the deck name and how many cards they want. For the cards i was thinking of a loop. ( if java has while and do while loops). On each card they put in text on the front and then back. I was also wondering if it could somehow save the deck for later use. Thas pretty much it other than no black background like c++.

Help is appreciated greatly.


First question: is javascript the same as java?

No, but there's a javascript forum under web development.

if java has while and do while loops

Yes, all the while and do while you can use. They're on special this week, in fact.

I want the user to input the deck name and how many cards they want. On each card they put in text on the front and then back

Yes, you can do that. There are a few ways to do it, depending on what exactly you're looking for. In Java, that is, I don't know about javascript.

I was also wondering if it could somehow save the deck for later use.

Yes, there are some ways to do that as well. The easiest would be to build a set of strings, of the form "FRONT = BACK" and write them out to a file.

The background is up to you.

Ok so im going to use java not javascript. Can you guys help me get started?

Check out the resources at the top of this forum - they'll give you a lot to work with.

Could u guys help me get started please?

Sure. Start with a "hello, world" and modify it until it does what you want.

Here's HelloWorld:

public class HelloWorld
  public static void main (String[] args)
     System.out.println("Hello, world!");

Okay, now figure out what it is that this program needs to do that it isn't already doing, and implement that. There are lots of tutorials and things to work through in the "learning java" sticky thread - those will help you out a lot. If you have specific questions about specific code that isn't working or examples that you don't understand, you can probably get some help with those.

Well i already know that java stuff. I've ben watching thenewboston on youtube.

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