Is python 3.2 stable yet, because i use portable python v1.1py3.0.1, so far I'm making improvement, but I have problems loading modules, how do I go about it.

This should be the stable release date of Python 3.2 final:
February 19, 2011

Can you give us an example of which module gives you problems, and what is the error message?

Also, avoid the 64bit version. There are plenty of third party modules that will only work with the 32bit version.

For example I downloaded the Pygame, and Py Qt, but I've been having problem with how to load, or better still where to put the Qt folder, i also downloaded Pygtk, but i had the same problem, what do i do. Really liking python and i don;t want anything to stop me. Expecting your reply.

First step for installlation is to get setup tools. Then you just do

easy_install numpy

or what ever.

Thanks i will check that out.

I assume you are using the Windows OS and Python 3.2, simply do this ...

For PyQT download and run the Windows 32 bit self-extracting installer

For PyGame download and run the Windows 32 bit self-extracting installer

The Windows installers take care of everything else and will install the packages in
for instance directory C:\Python32\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4 or
Your Python interpreter will find them there.

Test PyQT with this simple program ...

# a simple template to test PyQT widgets
# PyQT free from:
# used Windows installer PyQt-Py3.2-x86-gpl-4.8.3-1.exe
# tested with PyQT4.8 and Python3.2

from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *

app = QApplication([])
# create the window and set the title
win = QWidget()
# setGeometry(x_pos, y_pos, width, height)
# 1, 1 --> widget will expand to fit lable size
win.setGeometry(100, 150, 1, 1)

html_code = """\
<h1><i>Hello </i>
<font color=red>PyQT!</font><h1>
# create the label and insert html code as text
label = QLabel(html_code)

# use the grid layout manager
grid = QGridLayout()
# addWidget(widget, row, column, rowSpan=1, columnSpan=1)
grid.addWidget(label, 0, 0)

Test PyGame with this example code ...

# use module pygame to display random circles
# tested with PyGame1.9.2 and Python3.2

import pygame as pg
from random import *


# create a 640x480 pixel window and set its title
screen = pg.display.set_mode((640, 480))
pg.display.set_caption('Pygame Random Circles')

# event loop and exit conditions (windows titlebar x click)
while True:
    for event in pg.event.get():
        if event.type == pg.QUIT:
            raise SystemExit
    random_color = (randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255))
    random_pos = (randint(0, 639), randint(0, 479))
    random_radius = randint(1,200)
    # create the new circle, random_color, random_pos, random_radius)
    # show the new circle

    # wait 100 milliseconds to draw the next random circle

Will check it out.

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