Okay so I got the original working and is fairly simple. Only problem is I can't figure out how to set it up to scroll one color section after the other. Like this pseudo code would be:

if (color1 >= 255)

if (color2 >= 255)

if (color >= 255)

So I'm bringing in while loops and everything else but it's not wanting to work at all. Help is appreciated.

void colorScrollRotation(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Color colorMe = agInc.ForeColor;
            Color colorMeRotation = label1.ForeColor;

            int colorRed = colorMe.R;
            int colorGreen = colorMe.G;
            int colorBlue = colorMe.B;

            int rotation = colorMeRotation.R;

            while (rotation == 0)

                if (colorGreen >= 255)
                    colorGreen = 0;
                    rotation = 1;
                    label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(rotation, 0, 0);

            while (rotation == 1)

                if (colorRed >= 255)
                    colorRed = 0;
                    rotation = 2;
                    label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(rotation, 0, 0);

            while (rotation == 2)

                if (colorBlue >= 255)
                    colorBlue = 0;
                    rotation = 0;
                    label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(rotation, 0, 0);

            agInc.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(colorRed, colorGreen, colorBlue);
            label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(rotation, 0, 0);

what is agInc?

It's a label on the form.

Thanks for the help everyone but I figured it out. I switched the while loops out for standard if and else if statements then just ran a simple if inside each. :)

// Example;
// Check the value of the hue rotation;
            if (rotation == 0)
                colorRed = 0;
                colorBlue = 0;

                // Check the value of green.
                if (colorGreen >= 255)
                    colorGreen = 0;
                    rotation = 1; // Sets rotation for the next color;
            // Check the hue rotation value again.
            else if (rotation == 1)

:) Congrats

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