hello all. I'm relatively new here. and very much a newbie in c++, string manipulation. I couldn't solve this. it has taken me soooo long. I did search the entire forum and google but those solutions seem a bit advance for my string problem. I know this is just basic, so all of you are welcome to help :)
I ask a user to input {2 + (3-6) * 8} as a string.
then I want every each of the string in array :
ar[0] = {
ar[1] = 2
ar[2] = +
ar[3] = (
and so on until }
how do I implement this in c++?
what about a user input "My Name is Marianne" as a string.
then every each of the string in array of words :
ar[0] = My
ar[1] = Name
ar[2] = is
and so on until Marianne.