Hello people,
I have an application that updates a table. In this application i have a combobox where i load id of record
on form load. Let me paste my code to be more clear about my problem.
Private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string q = "Select AREA, [PAYING AUTHORITY],[PURCHASE ORDER No], [BILL No], [BILL DATED], [MATERIAL VALUE], [BILL VALUE], [AMOUNT PASSED] , [SUPPLY PARTICULAR], [PAYMENT DETAILS], [C-FORM No], T_ID from transact1 where t_id = '" +comboBox1.SelectedItem+ "' ";
SqlCommand cmmd = new SqlCommand(q, on6);
SqlDataReader drr = cmmd.ExecuteReader();
while (drr.Read())
//MessageBox.Show("Record With this Transaction Exist. Please Press OK to Continue.....");
txtarea.Text = drr["AREA"].ToString();
textBox2.Text = drr["PAYING AUTHORITY"].ToString();
richdescp.Text = drr["PURCHASE ORDER No"].ToString();
txtbill.Text = drr["BILL No"].ToString();
dateTimePicker1.Text = drr["BILL DATED"].ToString();
txtamt.Text = drr["MATERIAL VALUE"].ToString();
txtamtpas.Text = drr["BILL VALUE"].ToString();
textBox1.Text = drr["AMOUNT PASSED"].ToString();
richrem.Text = drr["SUPPLY PARTICULAR"].ToString();
txtchq.Text = drr["PAYMENT DETAILS"].ToString();
textBox3.Text = drr["C-FORM No"].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
Everytime i try to load data in the form. It gives me error that "String was not recognized as valid date time".
I tried lot of things but it didn't help. Can anybody please help me with this problem?
Thanks and Regards