I have this example php string:

$string = "@[item_1][door] @[mozart][grass] = yes @[mozart][green] = no @[mozart][human] @[blue][movie]=yes @[item_1][beat] = yes @[item_1][music] = no ";

now $string idented just to easy view:

    @[mozart][grass] = yes 
    @[mozart][green] = no 


@[item_1][beat] = yes 
@[item_1][music] = no

I want to know how can i get this string ( or other string following this style ) and transform in an array that looks like:

    [item_1] => Array
            [door] => Array
                    [mozart] => Array
                            [grass] => yes
                            [green] => no
                            [human] => Array
                                    [blue] => Array
                                            [movie] => yes
            [beat] => yes
            [music] => no

What i tried

I tried to use and recursive function to create an nested array but i can't have access to the array pointer ( in deep levels ) in recursive functions.. don't know why.. maybe is the wrong patch to the answer. thank you,

If you split your string on the @, you can loop through each item and parse it correctly into your array.

If you split your string on the @, you can loop through each item and parse it correctly into your array.

unfortunately I can not change the string as it comes from a Windows program.

it is not formatted for php but there is a kind of rustic formatting.

I thought that an algorithm should work, but I can not make it reality:

1) explode the string @ this will give me two types of pieces:

a) Arrays as pieces that are:
* [Item_1] [door]
* [Mozart] [human]
b) pieces that have the "=" in them are then:
* [Mozart] [grass] = yes
* [Mozart] [green] = no
* [Blue] [movie] = yes
* [Item_1] [beat] = yes
* [Item_1] [music] = no

2) the algorithm:

1) create an empty array
2) foreach in the string piactes
if piace_are_array and item_does_not_exist($tree) -> add_current_piece
else if attibrute_existe -> append on it

if is_not_array -> append in the last attribute added.

the problem is with the recursion!

something like that..

is it clear now? thank you

There is no recursion in your logic. What code do you have so far ?

i tried with recursion but i dind't get it..

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