Hi folks ,
i am working on hastable nowdays and looking ways to optimize my
code . Please comment on my below observations and let me know if you
have any suggestions.
I have an existing implementation of chained hash table (A), which
uses singly link list for chaining.
typedef struct hnode HNODE;
struct hnode{
HNODE *link;
typedef struct {
unsigned long (*hash)(const void *);
int (*compare)(const void *, const void *);
const void *(*keyof)(const HNODE *);
HNODE **table;
unsigned int buckets;
unsigned int count;
The existing implementation caters a huge amount of data.
Well the deletion or search of a hash node based on key is not a quick
operation . As this would require
calculating the index using hash func , and then searching the linked
list on that index for the node based on values.
I would like to optimize the search and deletion .
so i thought to modify my existing hash table (A)implemetaion .
1 . using a doubly link list for chaining .
2 . using a separate data stucture , preferably an other hash table
which would store a address of node inserted in hashtable (A) .
Nodes in B would be inserted parallel to A .
Nodes in A would be deleted using B , and the searching of node would
also done using B .
Nodes in B would be deleted parallel to A .
Presently A has hash node structure as :
I would like to perform the modification in hnode as below
struct hnode{
HNODE *link_pre;
HNODE *link_post;
Would this give me the desired outcome.