I need help in pulling this program apart, and reformatting it to use functions that I didn't know i needed to implement until right now.
* float calculate_time (4 parameters) finds the amount of hours between two times given. It should return 0 if the amount is less than 0.
* float figure_pay (2 parameters) returns the amount of actual pay the employee gets, including overtime if applicable. This function will access a global named constant.
* bool validate_times (4 parameters) returns true if the start time is before the stop time, false otherwise
Any hints to the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
string name;
string fileName;
const char testA = 'A';
const char testP = 'P';
float startHr;
float startMin;
float stopHr;
float stopMin;
char colon;
char time1;
char time2;
float rate;
float startMinPercent ;
float stopMinPercent;
float startPercent;
float stopPercent;
float totalTime;
float pay;
float overTime;
ifstream inData;
cout << "Time Clock Program" << '\n';
cout << "Enter the filename of the data to process --> ";
cin >> fileName;
cout << '\n';
fileName = fileName + ".dat";
if (inData.is_open())
getline(inData, name);
cout << "Name: " << name;
cout << '\n';
inData >> startHr >> colon >> startMin >> time1;
cout << "Start time " << startHr << colon << setfill('0') << setw(2) << startMin << " " << time1;
cout << '\n';
inData >> stopHr >> colon >> stopMin >> time2;
cout << "Stop time " << stopHr << colon << setfill('0') << setw(2) << stopMin << " " << time2;
cout << '\n';
inData >> rate;
cout << "Pay rate $" << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << rate << " per hour";
cout << '\n' << '\n';
time1 = (char)toupper(time1);
time2 = (char)toupper(time2);
if ( startHr > 12 || startHr <= 0 )
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
startHr = 0;
startMin = 00;
stopHr = 0;
stopMin = 00;
else if ( startMin > 59 || startMin < 0 )
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
startHr = 0;
startMin = 00;
stopHr = 0;
stopMin = 00;
else if ( time1 != 'P' && time1 != 'A' )
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
startHr = 0;
startMin = 00;
stopHr = 0;
stopMin = 00;
else if ( stopHr > 12 || stopHr < 0 )
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
startHr = 0;
startMin = 00;
stopHr = 0;
stopMin = 00;
else if ( stopMin > 59 || stopMin < 0 )
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
startHr = 0;
startMin = 00;
stopHr = 0;
stopMin = 00;
else if ( time2 != 'P' && time2 != 'A' )
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
startHr = 0;
startMin = 00;
stopHr = 0;
stopMin = 00;
else if ( time1 == 'P' && time2 == 'A' )
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
startHr = 0;
startMin = 00;
stopHr = 0;
stopMin = 00;
else if ( time1 == 'A' && time2 == 'A' )
if ( startHr >= stopHr )
if ( startMin >= stopMin )
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
cout << "Invalid time! Time set to 0:00" << '\n';
startHr = 0;
startMin = 00;
stopHr = 0;
stopMin = 00;
if ( time1 == 'A' && time2 == 'A' )
startMinPercent = startMin/60;
stopMinPercent = stopMin/60;
startPercent = startHr + startMinPercent;
stopPercent = stopHr + stopMinPercent;
totalTime = stopPercent - startPercent;
if( totalTime > 8 )
overTime = totalTime - 8;
pay = (overTime * (rate * 1.5)) + ( 8 * rate);
cout << "The employee " << name << " has worked " << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << totalTime << " hours" << '\n';
cout << overTime << " hours overtime" << '\n';
cout << "The paycheck is for $" << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << pay << '\n';
pay = totalTime * rate;
cout << "The employee " << name << " has worked " << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2)<< totalTime << " hours" << '\n';
cout << "No overtime" << '\n';
cout << "The paycheck is for $" << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << pay << '\n';
startMinPercent = startMin/60;
stopMinPercent = stopMin/60;
startPercent = startHr + startMinPercent;
stopPercent = stopHr + stopMinPercent;
totalTime = (12 + stopPercent) + (12 - startPercent);
if ( time1 == 'P' && time2 == 'P' )
overTime = totalTime - 8;
pay = (overTime * (rate * 1.5)) + ( 8 * rate);
cout << "The employee " << name << " has worked " << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << totalTime << " hours" << '\n';
cout << overTime << " hours overtime" << '\n';
cout << "The paycheck is for $" << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << pay << '\n';
totalTime = stopPercent + (12 - startPercent);
if(totalTime > 8 )
overTime = totalTime - 8;
pay = (overTime * (rate * 1.5)) + ( 8 * rate);
cout << "The employee " << name << " has worked " << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << totalTime << " hours" << '\n';
cout << overTime << " hours overtime" << '\n';
cout << "The paycheck is for $" << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << pay << '\n';
totalTime = stopPercent + (12 - startPercent);
pay = totalTime * rate;
cout << "The employee " << name << " has worked " << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << totalTime << " hours" << '\n';
cout << "No overtime" << '\n';
cout << "The paycheck is for $" << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << pay << '\n';
cout << "Sorry that file does not exist." << '\n';
cout << "Program closing" << '\n' << '\n';
system ("pause");
return 0;