Im learning about postfix and prefix operators and how to overload them. I've created my class with overloaded pre and post fix operators how ever when used in the main program the results aren't what I expected.

The program creates a simple shape from a class that has default constructor, destructor, an overloaded constructor, copy constructor, accessors methods for member variable itsRadius of Get and Set and my overloaded operators prefix, postfix and assignment (assignment works fine)

The main section of the program creates two objects. One uses the default constructor value of "5" and the other is set using the overloaded constructor with the value "9".
They are both printed.
The prefix and post fix operators are used tehn the values are printed again with unexpected results

//Main program

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

	SimpleC c1;
	SimpleC c2(9);

	cout << "C1 Radius: " << c1.GetRadius() << endl;
	cout << "C2 Radius: " << c2.GetRadius() << endl;


	cout << "C1 Radius: " << c1.GetRadius() << endl;
	cout << "C2 Radius: " << c2.GetRadius() << endl;

	system ("pause");
	return 0;
//Class definition

class SimpleC
	SimpleC(const SimpleC&); //Copy

	//Overloading operators
	const SimpleC& operator++ (); //Prefix
	const SimpleC operator++ (int); //Postfix
	SimpleC& operator=(const SimpleC&); //Assignment 

	//Accessor functions
	void SetRadius(int);
	int GetRadius() const;
	int *itsRadius;
//Class member function declarations

//Prefix, increment then fetch
const SimpleC& SimpleC::operator++()
	return *this;

//Postfix, creates temp to store original, increment, then fetch 
const SimpleC SimpleC::operator++(int)
	SimpleC temp(*this);
	return temp;


C1 Radius: 5
C1 Radius: 9
C1 Radius: -33686019
C1 Radius: -33686019

I have omitted some of the code to save space and to save confusion if any more is needed please let me know.

I would be helpful and very appreciated if anyone could point where I'm going wrong

Thanks in advance

itsRadius is a pointer, you need to dereference it before incrementing it.

itsRadius is a pointer, you need to dereference it before incrementing it.

Precisely. Ie,

/Prefix, increment then fetch
const SimpleC& SimpleC::operator++()
	return *this;
//Postfix, creates temp to store original, increment, then fetch 
const SimpleC SimpleC::operator++(int)
	SimpleC temp(*this);
	return temp;

Anyway, good first effort. The mistake is common in new programmer code. One other issue/mistake is the question as to why you are using a pointer-to-int for itsRadius instead of a simple integer (unsigned is probably better)...?

Thanks everyone I knew it was something that I was missing, something as small as that. Cheers for the help I'll keep going at it.

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