in below code there is syntax error in from Clause but i think every thing looks fine iam using access database thx and relation is fine between thes two table

Public Function GetGridData() As DataTable
        Dim dt As New DataTable
            Dim con As New Connection()
            Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
            cmd.Connection = con.con

             Dim da = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT tblBill.Description,tblBillDetail.CustomerName from tblBill join tblBillDetail on tblBill.Receipt=tblBillDetail.Receipt", con.con)

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
        Return dt

    End Function

I think Access is a bit more picky and needs to be told explicitly what kind of JOIN you are performing.
I suggest that you use either INNER JOIN or OUTER JOIN instead of just JOIN.
For more detail I also suggest that you read up a bit about using JOINs in Access.

I think Access is a bit more picky and needs to be told explicitly what kind of JOIN you are performing.
I suggest that you use either INNER JOIN or OUTER JOIN instead of just JOIN.
For more detail I also suggest that you read up a bit about using JOINs in Access.

ok thx i have done it with ur suggestions

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