I recently had a PC crash and had to do a fresh install of Win XP.

Luckily I had backups of a vast majority of my data including my VS projects.

I have just reinstalled VS2010 Ultimate and then decided to open my latest project only to be told that the project was targeted at the .Net 2.0 framework, which is correct, that is what I had it set to prior to my PC crash but that .Net 2.0 is not installed on my PC and I would have to load the project as .Net 4.0 and that I could change the framework back within the project options.

This struck me as strange because I have .Net 2.0, .Net 3.5 & .Net 4.0 installed on my machine, they are there showing in Add & Remove Programs list.

I went ahead and let VS re-target the project to 4.0, went into the project options to change the framework back to 2.0 but there were no other options, only 4.0.

I know that I have the other frameworks installed, especially 2.0.

Form my Add & Remove Programs list it shows:-

Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 - version 2.1.21022

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



VS2010 targets only the latest version of framework installed in your PC. It happens with me every now and then when I try old version projects in VS2010 and re-targeting the project on FW 4.0 works out smoothly and creates no problem while execution of program with me.

VS2010 targets only the latest version of framework installed in your PC. It happens with me every now and then when I try old version projects in VS2010 and re-targeting the project on FW 4.0 works out smoothly and creates no problem while execution of program with me.


thanks for replying unfortunately this does not seem to answer my question.

The project I was opening was the one that I had been working on a day prior to my PC crash, it was using FW 2.0 then.

It is just for some reason VS2010 is not reconizing the fact that I do have the other FW's installed, it is only showing 4.0.

Nothing has changed on my system, just a reinstall to the same as it was prior to the crash.

I have found a handy little tool via this blog that verifies FW installs and all mine pass.

I am currently downloading FW 3.5 SP1, which looks like it fixes some issues with 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5.

I will post back my findings.

I know that my project will be fine with 4.0 but I was just trying to keep it a little more compliant and not having to have the client install 4.0 if they don't have it.




thanks for replying unfortunately this does not seem to answer my question.

The project I was opening was the one that I had been working on a day prior to my PC crash, it was using FW 2.0 then.

It is just for some reason VS2010 is not reconizing the fact that I do have the other FW's installed, it is only showing 4.0.

Nothing has changed on my system, just a reinstall to the same as it was prior to the crash.

I have found a handy little tool via this blog that verifies FW installs and all mine pass.

I am currently downloading FW 3.5 SP1, which looks like it fixes some issues with 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5.

I will post back my findings.

I know that my project will be fine with 4.0 but I was just trying to keep it a little more compliant and not having to have the client install 4.0 if they don't have it.



Got it now. I followed the instructions from the BLOG that I put a link to in my previous post and downloaded 3.5 SP1.

After the mandatory PC restart I opened my project in VS2010 and there in the project properties the Target Framework drop down is now populated by 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 & 4.

A happy bunny again.


MY ;0)

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