can anyone explain why the output of this code is 110 ?

// Assignment 1-Body Mass Index Calculator

#include <iostream> //allows program to output data to the screen
using namespace std;

 //function main begins program execution
int main()
	int total=0;
	for (int number =2;number<=20;number+=2)
		total +=number;
	cout<<"Sum Is"<<total<<endl;
return 0 ;

Because 0+2+4+6+8+10+12+14+16+18+20 = 110?
What do you think the output should be.

i need help i wanna know how can i pass am array of objects to the constructor header & the .cpp implementation ? & prompt the user to enter the values to fill it ?
& how to pass it if it's array of int & its multi dimension ? thanks

any could help me ??

commented: Very rude. Don't hijack someone else's thread -2

any could help me ??

How about... You start your own thread?

: )

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