i try to compile a simple c++ hello world, and i get this, PLZ HELP
i compile with g++...

Without seeing the program you tried to compile, there's not much anyone can do.

What OS and compiler are you using? And what command(s) did you use to build your code? Finally, please post the error output you got, as well as the code if possible.

the screenshot it posted WAS the error output.
and it was a v simple hello world program, with iostrem as the only lib. its on iphone OS, but jus tell me whats wrong, according to the output..

the screenshot it posted WAS the error output.
and it was a v simple hello world program, with iostrem as the only lib. its on iphone OS, but jus tell me whats wrong, according to the output..

Sorry, but it was a link, not an embedded image. I generally do not navigate to those as they are often the source of "drive by" virus attacks...

In any case (continuing from my previous comment), the file c.cpp seems to have an error in it. However, since you do not provide the code, there isn't much that we can say about what the problem is.

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