hello everyone
i have a "text box" in which i have to put" member_id" and fetch records as number of books issued to that particular "member_id"....
database tables are lib_member_details and issue_detIails...
issue_details=tag_id,member_id,book_issue_on,due date...
suggest me the code for this problem in c# with sql
also help me that can i fetch the"""due_date""" with book_issue_on as if i put as maximum days 15 then automatically date will come out related to book _issue_on..... Help me plzzz i want to complete my project...!!!!

you description is too abstract.. provide more detailss.. looks like a school project ?right??

Hello, niketakapoor the members here is not to do your home work, pls give us what is the code you have already written for this, and we can help you, what you want.

Dear niketakapoor what type of help you want? Please give what is your plan at this stage and describe your problem

commented: Friendly. +9
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