The problem is that i have one list like
[l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 ]
no i want to compare l1 with l2 and get some score
then l1 with l3....
and then l1 with l3 , l4 , l5.......... so on
when i am compareing l2 with other elements, in list , i want to avoid comparing it to l1 as l1 compared to l2 is same as l2 compared to l1
please help, though i have written program it works fine but the results has lot of redundancy as given above
infile1 = open(argv[1],'r')
infile2 = open(argv[2],'r')
domain_dict = {}
subclustered_proteins = infile1.readlines()
domain_arrangements = infile2.readlines()
prot = ''
prot2 = ''
for line in domain_arrangements:
domainlist = line.split()[1:]
pro_domain = line.split()[0]
domain_dict[pro_domain] = domainlist
#print domain_dict
for line in subclustered_proteins:
proteinlist = line.split(':')[1]
proteins = proteinlist.split()
for item in proteins:
prot = item.split('(')[0]
#print prot,
a = []
#if domain_dict.has_key(prot):
#for key, values in domain_dict:
#if key== prot:
#print domain_dict(key)
if prot in domain_dict:
#print domain_dict[prot]
a = domain_dict[prot]
#a = domain_dict[pro_domain]
#print key, value
for item in proteins:
prot2 = item.split('(')[0]
#print prot2
if prot != prot2:
if prot2 in domain_dict:
#print domain_dict[prot2]
b = domain_dict[prot2]
distance = LD(a,b)
print prot + "\t",
print '\t'.join(a) + "\t",
print prot2 + "\t",
print '\t'.join(b) + "\t",
print str(distance) + "\t",