i have table in sql server 2000, in whicn i have coloums.
now on the interface i have one text box as customercode, and four (4)combo boxes with differnt values.
when user wants to do entry, he will enter any code, and will select values from combo boxes, and when user click on command button then in table the each combo box value should b stored on new row and code should b stored same on 4 rows.
RS2.Open "SELECT * from CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTES", Module1.con, adOpenStatic,adLockOptimistic
RS2.Fields("Customercode").Value = txtpartycode.Text
RS2.Fields("CC_ATTRIBUTE_ID").Value = Combo1.Text
RS2.Fields("CC_ATTRIBUTE_ID").Value = Combo2.Text
RS2.Fields("CC_ATTRIBUTE_ID").Value = Combo3.Text
RS2.Fields("CC_ATTRIBUTE_ID").Value = Combo4.Text
it only stores one last entry.when i want to store it as much combo box's value.