hello people...

I don't know what to do and how to do to improve my programming skills.
i really need your help , advice and suggestions...

you see i have been studying programming for a few month and since the time i started i just read and had very few experience ...
Even though i can read codes and understand them i can't put my own program to work i have trouble to think out the pseudocode and to make an algorithms ...
And here i have only 2 month left i have some big project do start , must prepare by that time ...

What i need is :
how can i improve during these 2 months , i can sit day and night to program i have time...
I've never had any teacher and i don't have any opportunity:(
is it possible to succeed without teacher or ...?

And u see i've been dealing with lot's of book but all of my tries seems useless :( im so down ...

now i took only one book it is " A book on C " Kelley / Pohl ;
how do u think about this book...?

im majororing medical engineering and i need to doECG portable embedded system under MicroC/OS , i undertook such a great deal.

your suggestions are highly appreciated...

I don't know what to do and how to do to improve my programming skills.
i really need your help , advice and suggestions...

One of the best ways may be to hang out here and practice answering others' questions. When you've got that nailed down, you've got something.

Even though i can read codes and understand them i can't put my own program to work i have trouble to think out the pseudocode and to make an algorithms ...

Try explaining them to others. It's 10 times harder and broadens your abilities.

And here i have only 2 month left i have some big project do start , must prepare by that time ...

What i need is :
how can i improve during these 2 months , i can sit day and night to program i have time...

As I said. Display what you know and you'll probably be corrected more times than you are comfortable with, and learn many more times than you'd imagine you would.

I've never had any teacher and i don't have any opportunity:(
is it possible to succeed without teacher or ...?

Sure... try being the teacher!

now i took only one book it is " A book on C " Kelley / Pohl ;
how do u think about this book...?

Sorry, no experience with it.

im majororing medical engineering and i need to doECG portable embedded system under MicroC/OS , i undertook such a great deal.

Okay, you captured my attention. If I ever get to use uC/OS-ii for real and get beyond the first few chapters of the book and really understand it and port to a new processor I'll be momentarily happy!

WRT learning, it's a lifelong thing, so settle in. Find out your own interest and don't be shy unless you want less assistance. Ask questions to learn, but as I mentioned, attempt to answer questions and you'll learn much more than you bargained for.

eeh what a great words !
thanks very very much...
I found the answers to my questions..

I don't know how to express my gratitute Dave Sinkula.
Anyway i'm very greatful for ur advice , i will try my best in here...

I'm now learning MicroC/OS -ii and step by step im doing well.
My mind is full of questions .

PS: I will follow each of your words ...

cheers' ;)
thanks again ...

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