I want a user to enter the query: "select * from books where price > 24.99 and price >= 25.00" for example, but since the statement doesn't need price >= 25.00, I want to rewrite the query to just "select * from books where price > 24.99" and give the same results. Can someone give me guidance please? My code and output is below.
Current Output:
Please query from the books database:
select * from books where price > 24.99 and price >= 25.00;
isbn: 978-0-87289-9, author: Kenneth Dolbeare, title: American Political Thought, price: 49.99
Thank you for connecting to books database
Expected Output:
Please query from the books database:
select * from books where price > 24.99 and price >= 25.00;
isbn: 978-0-87289-9, author: Kenneth Dolbeare, title: American Political Thought, price: 49.99
select * from books where price > 24.99;
isbn: 978-0-87289-9, author: Kenneth Dolbeare, title: American Political Thought, price: 49.99
Thank you for connecting to books database
String query;
String temp = "select * from books where price > 24.99;";
BufferedReader reader;
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.println("Please query from the books database: ");
query = reader.readLine();
resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);
while (resultSet.next())
// Diplaying data of tables
System.out.println("\nisbn: " + resultSet.getString("isbn") + ", author: "
+ resultSet.getString("author") + ", title: "
+ resultSet.getString("title") + ", price: "
+ resultSet.getDouble("price"));
if (query == "select * from books where price > 24.99 and price >= 25.00;")
resultSet = statement.executeQuery(temp);
while (resultSet.next())
// Diplaying data of tables
System.out.println("\nisbn: " + resultSet.getString("isbn") + ", author: "
+ resultSet.getString("author") + ", title: "
+ resultSet.getString("title") + ", price: "
+ resultSet.getDouble("price"));