i want to create a program that will have an arraycalled array1[] of 30 sets of 3 one digit numbers i.e 804, 450,430 etc)
i will have 13 vector containersor arrays defined with a series of 3 one digit numbers. i want the program to find any series of numbers that is array1[] in any of the 13 vectors. and it will tell me in which vector the series was found in
also the order of the number shouldnt matter for example vector<int> first_tier (324)
the user enters 243 or 432 and it finds it in first_tier because 324 is 243 just in differn't order. so which function do i use to do this. this is what i got so far
// Pick 3 Probablity
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
// the series of numbers to be found in the vectors below
int previous_pick_3_numbers[20]{346,794,861,529,347,925,196,969,243,837,740,025,822,809,454,843,942,510,573,346};
// 13 vectors
vector<int> firsts_tier(409 , 508 , 509, 607, 608 ,707 , 139 , 148 , 149 , 157 , 158 ,166 , 167 ,229 , 238 , 239 ,247 , 248 ,256 ,257 ,266 ,337 ,338 ,346 ,347 , 355 , 356 , 445 , 446 ,455);
vector<int> seconds_tier(309 , 408 , 507 , 606 , 609 ,708 ,129 ,138 , 147 , 156 , 159 ,168 ,177 , 228 , 237 , 246 , 249 , 255 , 258 , 267 , 336 , 339 , 345 , 348 , 357 , 366 , 444 , 447 , 456 , 555);
/*vector<int> thirds_tier(209,308,407,506,709,808,119,128,137,146,155,169,178,227,236,245,259,268,277,335,344,349,358,367,448,457,466,556);
vector<int> fourths_tier(208,307,406,505,809,118,127,136,145,179,188,226,235,244,269,278,334,359,368,377,449,458,467,557,566);
vector<int> fifths_tier(900,108,207,306,405,909,117,126,135,144,189,225,234,279,288,333,369,378,459,468,477,558,567,666);
vector<int> sixths_tier(800,107,206,305,404,116,125,134,199,224,233,289,379,388,469,478,559,568,577,667);
vector<int> sevenths_tier(700,106,205,304,115,124,133,223,299,389,479,488,569,578,668,677);
vector<int> eighths_tier(600,105,204,303,114,123,222,399,489,579,588,669,678,777);
vector<int> ninths_tier(500,104,203,113,122,499,589,679,688,778);
vector<int> tenths_tier(400,103,202,112,599,689,779,788);
vector<int> elevenths_tier(300,102,111,699,789,888);
vector<int> twelves_tier(200,101,799,889);
vector<int> thirteenths_tier(100,899,999); */
bool myfunction (int i,int j) { return (i<j); }
vector<int> copy_of_array(previous_pick_3_numbers,previous_pick_3_numbers+20); // 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1
// using default comparison:
sort (firsts_tier.begin(), firsts_tier.end());
if (binary_search (firsts_tier.begin(), firsts_tier.end(), copy_of_array;))
cout << "found!\n"; else cout << "not found.\n";
// using myfunction as comp:
sort ( firsts_tier.begin(), firsts_tier.end(), myfunction);
cout << "looking for a ... ";
if (binary_search (seconds_tier.begin(), seconds_tier.end(), copy_of_array, myfunction))
cout << "found!\n"; else cout << "not found.\n";
return 0;
i get lots of errors