Hi, I am using HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse to get the page source of a site. and i'm getting a warning message "Enable JavaScript to view your site".

Is there any request i should add to enable JavaScript

Hi, I am using HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse to get the page source of a site. and i'm getting a warning message "Enable JavaScript to view your site".

Is there any request i should add to enable JavaScript

since visual studio uses ie engine try enabling it in internet explorer and see if it works

IE settings Tools>> Internet option>> Secourity>> Custom level>> there click on radio button to enable active scripting

Thanks pitic

But it is even Enabled in IE also. It seems it doesn't depend upon the browser.

Any other suggestions

Thanks pitic

But it is even Enabled in IE also. It seems it doesn't depend upon the browser.

Any other suggestions

as far as i saw what you're trying to do can't be done with httpwebrequest because the request only downloads html code from the website you provide. try to see if inside the html code you receive there is a script tag with path and try to get the code from the script file not the html.

or open the site in firefox with the firebug addon to catch the script path and send the path to the webrequest

(don't know if this works though)

ok thanks pitic, I think this will surely help

ok pitic,
i have one more question please follow this thread and try to help me

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