what is wrong with my code?i cant figure it out.


#define MAX 50

struct Node
	char judul[MAX];
	char pengarang[MAX];
	int harga;
	Node* nextPtr;

Node* makeNode(char judul[], char pengarang[], int harga)
	Node* newNodePtr = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
	if(newNodePtr == NULL)
		cout << "Out of Memory" << endl;
		newNodePtr->judul = judul;		
		newNodePtr->pengarang = pengarang;	
		newNodePtr->harga = harga;
		newNodePtr->nextPtr = NULL;
	return newNodePtr;

void insertNode(char judul[],char pengarang[],int harga)

	Node* headPtr = NULL;
	Node* rearPtr = NULL;
	Node* newNodePtr = NULL;
	Node* myPtr = NULL;
	Node* newPtr = NULL;
	Node* prevPtr = NULL;

				if(headPtr == NULL)
					headPtr= makeNode(judul,pengarang,harga);
					rearPtr = headPtr;
					myPtr = headPtr;

				else if(judul <= headPtr->judul && pengarang <= headPtr->pengarang)	
						myPtr = headPtr;
						headPtr = makeNode(judul,pengarang,harga);
						headPtr->nextPtr = myPtr;

				else if(judul >= rearPtr->judul && pengarang >= rearPtr->pengarang)		
					myPtr = rearPtr;
					rearPtr = makeNode(judul,pengarang,harga);
					myPtr->nextPtr = rearPtr;

					newPtr = makeNode(judul,pengarang,harga);
					myPtr = headPtr;
					while(judul >= myPtr->judul)		
						prevPtr = myPtr;
						myPtr = myPtr->nextPtr;
					prevPtr->nextPtr = newPtr;
					newPtr->nextPtr = myPtr;

void deleteNode(char judul[])
	Node* headPtr = NULL;
	Node* rearPtr = NULL;
	Node* newNodePtr = NULL;
	Node* myPtr = NULL;
	Node* newPtr = NULL;
	Node* prevPtr = NULL;
			if(headPtr->judul == judul)			
				cout << "Data " << judul << " telah dihapus" << endl;

				myPtr = headPtr->nextPtr;
				prevPtr = headPtr;
				while(myPtr != NULL && myPtr->judul != judul)  //?
					cout << "Element not found" << endl << endl;
					cout << "Data " << judul << " telah dihapus" << endl;




void display()
	Node* headPtr = NULL;
	Node* rearPtr = NULL;
	Node* newNodePtr = NULL;
	Node* myPtr = NULL;
	Node* newPtr = NULL;
	Node* prevPtr = NULL;

			cout << endl << endl;
			cout << "Data Anda: " << endl;
			cout << "Judul" << "\t" << "Pengarang" << "\t" << "Harga" << endl ;
			myPtr = headPtr;
			while (myPtr != NULL)
					cout << "  " << myPtr->judul << "\t" ;
					cout << "    " << myPtr->pengarang << "\t" ;
					cout << "\t" << myPtr->harga  ;
					myPtr = myPtr->nextPtr;
					cout << endl;
			cout << endl;

void main()
	char judul[MAX];
	char pengarang[MAX];
	int harga;
	int choice ;

	while(choice != 0)
		cout << "Insert your choice : " << endl;
		cout << "(1) Insert "  << "\t" << " (3) Display " << endl;
		cout << "(2) Delete "  << "\t" << " (0) Exit " << endl;
		cout << "Your choice : ";
		cin >> choice;
		cout << endl;

		if(choice == 1)		//insert
			cout << "Masukkan Judul : ";
			cin >> judul;		
			cout << "Masukkan Nama Pengarang : ";
			cin >> pengarang;
			cout << "Masukkan Harga : ";
			cin >> harga;
		if(choice == 2)		//delete
			cout << "Delete Data : ";
			cin >> judul;

		if(choice == 3)   //display
		if(choice == 4)   //Exit
			cout << "Thank You" << endl;

i want to type in more than 1 char. but i can't find the way to solve it.
fyi, i'm using visual studio C++ 6 :)
thanks, any helps will be appreciated

Line 28:

newNodePtr->pengarang = pengarang;

You are only copying the pointer over, not the contents of the string. Use strcpy(newNodePtr->pengarang,pengarang); instead (or better, since you don't know how large your source string is, use strncpy).

wow thanks. it helped so much. :)
but there's one problem. the data didn't sort alphabetically as it used to be. any idea?

You reset head pointer to null on line 38. Why? It's guaranteed to follow the path of that first if statement each time, and what if there already is a valid head pointer? (hint pass it into your function) That may not be the problem, but it's one of the first places I would look.

oh yeah i didn't realize about that, thanks! :)
but still. it didn't sort and the delete function seems not to work.

If you don't rework insertNode() like I was saying, of course it's not going to sort. Get the insert procedure correct and the deleting will be trivial. Do you have access to a debugger? (I don't remember how good the one was in VC6). You need to step through your code and watch as the nodes are added. I've given you a pointer, but I'm not going to rewrite it for you. Take another crack at it and post back your new insertNode() function.

okay i have changed the insertNode() and deleteNode()and overall it seems to workout,thanks to you :) but there's one more problem. when i debug it, and input more than 4 times, the program stops. any idea?

btw, here are the program


#define MAX 50

struct Node
	char judul[MAX];
	char pengarang[MAX];
	int harga;
	Node* nextPtr;

	Node* headPtr = NULL;
	Node* rearPtr = NULL;
	Node* newNodePtr = NULL;
	Node* myPtr = NULL;
	Node* newPtr = NULL;
	Node* prevPtr = NULL;

Node* makeNode(char judul[], char pengarang[], int harga)
	Node* newNodePtr = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
	if(newNodePtr == NULL)
		cout << "Out of Memory" << endl;
		newNodePtr->harga = harga;
		newNodePtr->nextPtr = NULL;
	return newNodePtr;

void insertNode(char judul[],char pengarang[],int harga)

				if(headPtr == NULL)
					headPtr= makeNode(judul,pengarang,harga);		
					rearPtr = headPtr;
					myPtr = headPtr;
				else if(strcmp(judul,headPtr->judul)<=0)	
						myPtr = headPtr;
						headPtr = makeNode(judul,pengarang,harga);						
						headPtr->nextPtr = myPtr;
				else if(strcmp(judul,rearPtr->judul)>=0)		
					myPtr = rearPtr;
					rearPtr = makeNode(judul,pengarang,harga);				
					myPtr->nextPtr = rearPtr;				
					newPtr = makeNode(judul,pengarang,harga);
					myPtr = headPtr;
					while(judul >= myPtr->judul)		
						prevPtr = myPtr;
						myPtr = myPtr->nextPtr;
					prevPtr->nextPtr = newPtr;
					newPtr->nextPtr = myPtr;																

				cout << endl << endl;
				cout << "Data Anda: " << endl;
				cout << "Judul" << "\t" << "Pengarang" << "\t" << "Harga" << endl ;
				myPtr = headPtr;
				while (myPtr != NULL)
						cout << "  " << myPtr->judul << "\t" ;
						cout << "    " << myPtr->pengarang << "\t" ;
						cout << "\t" << myPtr->harga  ;
						myPtr = myPtr->nextPtr;
						cout << endl;
				cout << endl;

void deleteNode(char judul[])
				cout << "Data " << judul << " telah dihapus" << endl;

				myPtr = headPtr->nextPtr;
				prevPtr = headPtr;
				while(myPtr != NULL && myPtr->judul != judul)  //?
					cout << "Element not found" << endl << endl;
					cout << "Data " << judul << " telah dihapus" << endl;

			cout << endl << endl;
			cout << "Data Anda: " << endl;
			cout << "Judul" << "\t" << "Pengarang" << "\t" << "Harga" << endl ;
			myPtr = headPtr;
			while (myPtr != NULL)
					cout << "  " << myPtr->judul << "\t" ;
					cout << "    " << myPtr->pengarang << "\t" ;
					cout << "\t" << myPtr->harga  ;
					myPtr = myPtr->nextPtr;
					cout << endl;
			cout << endl;



void main()
	char judul[MAX];
	char pengarang[MAX];
	int harga;
	int choice ;

	while(choice != 0)
		cout << "Insert your choice : " << endl;
		cout << "(1) Insert "  << "\t" << " (3) Display " << endl;
		cout << "(2) Delete "  << "\t" << " (0) Exit " << endl;
		cout << "Your choice : ";
		cin >> choice;
		cout << endl;

		if(choice == 1)		//insert
			cout << "Masukkan Judul : ";
			cin >> judul;		
			cout << "Masukkan Nama Pengarang : ";
			cin >> pengarang;
			cout << "Masukkan Harga : ";
			cin >> harga;
		if(choice == 2)		//delete
			cout << "Delete Data : ";
			cin >> judul;

		if(choice == 3)   //display

			cout << endl << endl;
			cout << "Data Anda: " << endl;
			cout << "Judul" << "\t" << "Pengarang" << "\t" << "Harga" << endl ;
			myPtr = headPtr;
			while (myPtr != NULL)
					cout << "  " << myPtr->judul << "\t" ;
					cout << "    " << myPtr->pengarang << "\t" ;
					cout << "\t" << myPtr->harga  ;
					myPtr = myPtr->nextPtr;
					cout << endl;
			cout << endl;
		if(choice == 4)   //Exit
			cout << "Thank You" << endl;

hey Jonsca, i think i figured it out already. thanks for helping me! :) i really appreciate it :)

hey Jonsca, i think i figured it out already. thanks for helping me! :) i really appreciate it :)

No problem.

it seems to workout,thanks to you

By and large, you solved it on your own, so give yourself credit too! :)

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